At the time of writing this will work only in Google's Chrome browser. Chrome may block SysEx access if you run this from a website, in which case download the html file locally and run it from there.
This version is for CVM-8 firmware v1.1 and above.

Send to MIDI port: Listen on MIDI port:

RX 1TX 1RX 2TX 2TX I2CConversions

Configuration Wizard

Eight MIDI CCs
Eight I2C Controllers
MIDI Notes
I2C Notes
MIDI Fixed Notes
I2C Fixed Notes

Continuous Generators

Input Enable 1Enable 2ChannelMessageCCMin CCMax CCEnableAddressControllerMin valueMax valueMin VoltageMax Voltage

Note Generators

Enable 1Enable 2ChannelEnableAddress Pitch InputGate InputVelocity InputFixed PitchFixed Velocity0V NoteGate Offset

Saved Configurations

DIP switches

Current Configuration


Address (as I2C follower)
Gate off level
Gate on level
MIDI merge: Input 1 -> Output 1
MIDI merge: Input 1 -> Output 2
MIDI merge: Input 2 -> Output 1
MIDI merge: Input 2 -> Output 2

Bootloader mode
