The user manual for the disting NT is available as a pdf. Please choose the manual corresponding to your firmware version below.
These are only required when using the "Script" method of updating the firmware. If you're using the GUI tool, you don't need these.
When using the "MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool" tool to update the firmware, download the "package" version of the firmware. For the script method, download the "hex" version.
The "v9", "v10" etc. after "package" indicates the version of the MCUXpresso Secure Provisioning Tool for which the package was prepared. Please be sure to use the right tool version for the firmware you're wanting to install.
Version | Release date | Comments | Downloads |
1.7.1 |
6/3/2025 |
- Fixed a couple of minor issues with the Lua Script algorithm.
Firmware (package, v10)
Firmware (hex)
User manual
Lua scripting
1.7.0 |
5/3/2025 |
- Added support for native plug-ins via a C++ API, and a toolchain to generate such plug-ins from Faust programs.
- Added the Waveform Animator and Lua Expression algorithms.
- Lua Script algorithms can now serialise arbitrary data to/from the preset files; have a new API call to allow them to set up their custom UI; and can provide custom names for their inputs and outputs.
- Greatly reduced the CPU impact of Lua Script algorithms.
- The Kirbinator algorithm now has a 'Stop' trigger input; new 'Feedback' and 'Buffer size' parameters, allowing use as a kind of delay effect; and a new 'Pitch offset input' allowing pitch choices to be supplied from elsewhere.
- The Looper algorithm can now output a clock synced to its loops, and can output MIDI clock.
- The Delay (Mono) and Delay (Stereo) algorithms now have an option to disable DC blocking (so they can be used to delay CVs).
- Added MIDI output to the Quantizer algorithm.
- Added support for MIDI controllers which send relative (up/down) CCs.
- Added access to drawing in the 'tiny' font from Lua; also drawing in the regular font using different shades.
- Added a 'Reset state' menu item to clear out all delay buffers etc.
- Fixed in issue in the Tracker algorithm where 'Shape' harmony mode was using the wrong scale mode (Dorian instead of Ionian etc.).
- Fixed an issue in the Looper algorithm where entering overdub simultaneously on multiple loops with layers enabled could cause an audio glitch.
- Fixed an issue in the Looper algorithm where 32 bit stereo loops would become mono when overdubbed.
- Fixed various issues with the UI's response to pot movement when the display was flipped.
Firmware (package, v10)
Firmware (hex)
User manual
Lua scripting
1.6.1 |
10/2/2025 |
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the Step Sequencer Head algorithm's MIDI outputs from working.
- Fixed a crash when accessing the pages view of the Sample Player algorithm in the preset editor tool.
Firmware (package, v10)
Firmware (hex)
User manual
Lua scripting
1.6.0 |
6/2/2025 |
- Added the Lua Script, Tracker, Pitch Shifter, and Step Sequencer Head algorithms.
- Added a new 'Lua console' web tool.
- Added the ability to give mixer channels a name for ease of identification in the UI.
- The Kirbinator algorithm has several new features: the option of independent pitch up and down glide times; a random seed parameter for repeatable patterns, with optional 'Mutate'; and transient detection, for automatic marker placement on the input audio.
- The Step Sequencer algorithm can now optionally record velocity from MIDI input as well as notes.
- The Debouncer algorithm has a number of new parameters to increase its flexibility.
- The module's SysEx protocol has been expanded to allow enhancements to the preset editor.
- When editing string type parameters there are now button presses to insert space and delete characters.
- Added support for direct parameter control via I2C (the EX.P message on Teletype).
- Polysynth algorithms can now enable a gate with no associated CV inputs.
- The Delay (Mono) and Delay (Stereo) algorithms can now sync to MIDI clock.
- Added a button shortcut to bypass algorithms from the overview page.
- Added a setting and a new menu item to optionally add new algorithms to the preset in the bypassed state.
- Fixed an issue affecting I2C mappings using the 'symmetric' option.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a hang if a WAV file contained coincident markers.
- Fixed the 'Duplicate algorithm' function.
- Fixed various inconsistencies when using the module with a flipped display and/or controls.
- Fixed an issue where quote marks were being written unescaped into the JSON preset files.
- Fixed an issue in the 'String' model of the Macro Oscillator 2 algorithm.
- Fixed an issue where the Temporal MIDI Quantizer algorithm could cause CPU spikes.
Firmware (package, v10)
Firmware (hex)
User manual
Lua scripting
1.5.0 |
8/1/2025 |
- Added the Three Pot, Poly Resonator, Logic, Bit Crusher, and Temporal MIDI Quantizer algorithms.
- Added an option for velocity gates to the Poly CV algorithm.
- The Looper algorithm now supports MIDI transport start/stop, has a new 'Only record targets' option, and has a new 'long hold' gesture to select no or all targets.
- Added support for stereo sends to the Mixer Stereo algorithm.
- Added support for entering notes via MIDI to the Step Sequencer algorithm.
- Added microtuning (Scala/MTS) support to both Tuner algorithms.
- Added support for nested sample folders on the MicroSD card.
- Added new MIDI CC soft takeover options.
- All algorithms now have a 'Bypass' parameter.
- The Clock and Step Sequencer algorithms now respect MIDI clock 'stop' messages when following MIDI clock.
- Increased the maximum number of Scala files from 100 to 1000.
- Added a new UI "hold & turn" gesture to navigate between algorithms while in the parameters view.
- Added the getBusVoltage() UI script method.
- Added a SysEx message to wake the display from the screensaver.
- Fixed an issue where respecifying polysynths to have fewer timbres could result in data loss.
Firmware (package, v10)
Firmware (hex)
User manual |
1.4.0 |
4/12/2024 |
- Added the Looper, Filter bank, Poly CV, Linear/Exponential, Debouncer, and Reverb (Clouds) algorithms.
- The Attenuverter algorithm can now be used with an output but no input, in order to create offset voltages.
- The Delay (Mono) and Delay (Stereo) algorithms now have a V/oct input for delay time and an option for fractional delay times.
- The VCO with waveshaping algorithm now has a sine output and a linear FM input.
- The Oscilloscope algorithm now has parameters for vertical scale.
- The UI Script functionality has been slightly extended.
- Adding a new algorithm no longer causes a full preset rebuild, in most cases, meaning primarily that audio buffers (e.g. delays, the granulator etc.) are not lost.
- Fixed an issue where sample streaming from exFAT formatted MicroSD cards might sound incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where the Poly Multisample algorithm might skip notes which should have caused it to steal a sounding voice.
- Fixed an issue where MTS microtuning would not be correctly used by the various polysynth algorithms.
- Fixed an issue where respecifying an algorithm to reduce its channel count could cause other algorithms to revert to default parameters.
- Fixed a crash bug in the Convolver algorithm introduced in v1.3.0.
Firmware (package, v10)
Firmware (hex)
User manual |
1.3.0 |
11/11/2024 |
Firmware (package, v9)
Firmware (hex)
User manual |
1.2.0 |
23/10/2024 |
- Added the Step sequencer and Accent sweep algorithms.
- Added a function to create randomised preset names.
- Added MIDI and I2C support in the Macro Oscillator 2 algorithm.
- The Clock algorithm now has a new 'Trigger' type for outputs.
- When setting up CV/gate mappings, the module now shows more information about which busses will be used for CVs.
- When adding or duplicating an algorithm, the algorithm name is now made unique (by appending a number).
- Some UI information (the current algorithm and display mode) is now stored in presets.
- Added SysEx messages to remove an algorithm and to perform various preset operations (new, save, load, name).
- Added support for MIDI Program Change messages.
- Added a setting for the pot movement threshold.
- Added an 'author' setting which is saved with presets.
- Added a setting for a less frequently updated CPU load indicator.
- Fixed an issue where sending or forwarding MIDI to the breakout or Select Bus could cause excessive CPU load.
- Fixed an issue where mapping the first parameter of an algorithm would break all mappings for that algorithm.
- Fixed an issue where appending a preset would cause the current preset to take the name of the appended one.
Firmware (package, v9)
Firmware (hex)
User manual |
1.1.0 |
3/10/2024 |
Day one patch. |
Firmware (package, v9)
Firmware (hex)
User manual |