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User Manual

The user manual for the disting EX is available in pdf form. Please choose the manual corresponding to your firmware version below.

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Firmware downloads

VersionRelease dateCommentsFirmware downloadUser manual
1.25.2 11/6/2024
  • Fixed an issue where loading an SD Multisample preset might fail to find the desired sample folders by name.
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1.25.1 30/5/2024
  • Fixed the Coarse Tune parameter of the Resonator algorithm so MIDI notes give the expected pitch.
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1.25 27/5/2024
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.28.
  • Added the Quadraphonic Mixer algorithm.
  • Added a per-quantizer MIDI channel offset to the Quad Quantizer algorithm, so each quantizer can use notes from different MIDI channels to quantize to.
  • Added I2C note on/off support to the Quad Quantizer algorithm.
  • Added an 'Unfreeze all' parameter to the Spectral Freeze algorithm.
  • Added the option of mapping global MIDI CCs to control current parameter selection, value edits, and value confirmation.
  • The WAV Recorder algorithm now supports playback of multichannel (e.g. quad) audio files, and has a parameter to set the playback level.
  • Added a parameter to set the MIDI note number to use when previewing in the auto-sampler function of the WAV Recorder algorithm.
  • Dual mode Audio Playback and Wavetable algorithms now limit the range of their Folder parameters to the number of folders available on the SD card.
  • Added new SysEx commands to save and load presets and mappings.
  • Added a setting to flip the secondary display.
  • Added an experimental setting to run the Select Bus at higher speeds.
  • Fixed an issue in the Quad Quantizer where the output could glitch when changing notes in "quantize to MIDI" scale modes.
  • Fixed an issue where the new 'push to confirm' dual mode parameters introduced in v1.24 prevented MIDI CC control of those parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI reception could stop if the module was receiving a lot of MIDI during an auto-save operation.
  • Fixed an issue in the Poly FM algorithm where 'piano' mode sustain would not work correctly if all eight voices were used.
  • Fixed an issue where loading a Poly FM preset from the MicroSD card would fail.
  • Fixed an issue in the Resonator algorithm where the 'Coarse tune' parameter did not match the original Rings implementation.
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1.24 21/12/2023
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.27.
  • Added the Quad Quantizer algorithm.
  • Added MIDI and I2C access to all three timbres (folders) of the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Added support for 'Tintinnabuli' style harmony in the Chord Engine and Tracker algorithms.
  • The Spectral Freeze algorithm now has an option to process live audio.
  • The Looper algorithm can now optionally be stopped and started via MIDI clock (i.e. use the MIDI transport controls, not just clock).
  • Added a new 'dual' mode to the Tuner algorithm (to tune two signals at once).
  • Dual mode algorithms with folder selections (e.g. the various Audio Playback and Wavetable algorithms) now have a 'push to confirm' mechanism, just like in single mode.
  • Added 'MIDI leaves visuals' options to the Spectral Freeze algorithm.
  • Added options to control the Spectral Freeze algorithm via MIDI notes.
  • Added I2C note on/off support to the Filter Bank algorithm.
  • Added support for note velocity in the Filter Bank algorithm.
  • Improved the audio quality of the Filter Bank algorithm.
  • 'MIDI learn' now learns the MIDI channel offset as well as the CC number, and automatically enables the mapping.
  • Added an method to query the module's input and output voltages via I2C.
  • Added a new 'algorithm specific' I2C message, and used this in the Looper algorithm to future-proof the interaction with Teletype.
  • Improved the audio quality of the dual mode reverb algorithms.
  • The Poly Wavetable algorithm, when in MPE mode and using pressure or CC#74 to replace the volume envelope, now reverts to the regular envelope release stage when a note is released.
  • Fixed an issue where the clock input of the Augustus Loop algorithm would not work.
  • Fixed the Spectral Freeze algorithm's display when the secondary and primary displays are showing different things.
  • Fixed an issue in the Filter Bank algorithm where the Dry signal would be incorrect in 'Multiband' mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI Player algorithm might not loop correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in the Chord Engine algorithm where the MIDI output would be incorrect if the 'Output gate mode' were set to 'Gates'.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause the module to freeze when reading a MicroSD card with formatting errors.
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1.23.1 8/9/2023
  • Fixed an issue where the Spectral Freeze algorithm could lose a freeze (and start processing live audio).
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI reception might stop working if the module was being sent a lot of MIDI during a preset save.
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1.23 4/9/2023
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.26.
  • Added the Spectral Freeze algorithm.
  • Changes to the reverb mix in the Dream Machine algorithm are now smoothed, to avoid clicks.
  • The MIDI Player algorithm can now optionally process live MIDI input.
  • Added accessibility commands to show the algorithm input and output key displays.
  • Added a new setting to disable all MIDI mappings by default.
  • Added CV input offset controls to all single algorithms (and removed the ones specifically in the Macro Oscillator 2 algorithm).
  • Fixed a problem where CV mappings of Numerator parameters in the Dream Machine algorithm could give unpredictable results.
  • Fixed a possible crash when mapping the Transpose parameter of the Dream Machine algorithm.
  • Fixed a problem in the Granulator algorithm where choosing 'Single' spawn mode and then a different spawn mode would result in no grains spawning.
  • Fixed a problem where latching button mappings might fail to work in certain algorithms.
  • Fixed the accessibility text display when showing certain parameters in the Poly Wavetable algorithm.
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1.22 8/8/2023
  • Added the option of manually setting the MIDI channel of each timbre in the Poly FM algorithm.
  • Added support for new I2C note commands with a channel, to address the individual timbres of the Poly FM algorithm.
  • Added an I2C query for the current tracked note in the Tracker algorithm.
  • Added 'Output hold' parameters to the Tracker algorithm.
  • Added a Transpose parameter to the Dream Machine algorithm.
  • Added the option of per-loop clock inputs to the Looper algorithm.
  • In the Looper algorithm, added a parameter and new MIDI note commands to allow issuing commands immediately even when in clocked mode.
  • Fixed an issue in the Granulator algorithm where changing the grain shape while grains were playing could result in audible glitches.
  • Fixed an issue where dual mode algrithm-specific information would not be included the raw text version of the display used by the accessibility web interface.
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1.21.1 22/6/2023
  • Fixed an issue where the Poly FM algorithm could miss MIDI and I2C messages.
  • Fixed an issue where the Granulator algorithm could output a high pitched tone while loading or saving WAV files from/to the MicroSD card.
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1.21 16/6/2023
  • Added the Poly FM algorithm.
  • Updated the Macro Oscillator 2 algorithm with v1.2 of the Plaits firmware.
  • Added 'Input trim' parameters to the Macro Oscillator 2 algorithm.
  • Corrected the format of the I2C gate messages (SC.TR) sent by the MIDI to I2C function.
  • The 'Gate per note' MIDI to I2C mode now also sends velocity.
  • Fixed an issue where holding 'V' might exit the menu system too quickly while in some algorithms.
  • Fixed an issue where the MIDI File Playback (Free Running) algorithm would not send MIDI via the breakout.
  • Fixed an issue where the Frequency Shifter algorithm would ignore the MIDI CC to override Z.
  • Fixed an issue where some algrithm-specific information would not be included the raw text version of the display used by the accessibility web interface.
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1.20 2/5/2023
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.25.
  • Added the MIDI Player algorithm.
  • Added a globally available MIDI to I2C function, currently targetted at controlling the ER-301.
  • Added support for slewed and/or crossfaded pitch transitions to the Dream Machine algorithm. Also added an internal reverb effect.
  • Added saturation and pitch LFO parameters to the Augustus Loop algorithm, matching the functions in the original VST plug-in.
  • Added trigger outputs via an attached ES-5 expander to the Macro Oscillator and Macro Oscillator 2 algorithms.
  • Added a 'Stop all' MIDI command to the Looper algorithm.
  • Added the 'Single' grain spawn mode (one grain per trigger input) to the Granulator algorithm.
  • Added MIDI SysEx support for changing algorithms (including changing between single and dual mode), and for querying the list of available single mode algorithms.
  • Added new settings options to always interpret a MIDI Program Change as a 'top level' (single mode or both dual mode sides at once) preset load.
  • Added the possibility of specifying a MIDI channel offset per MIDI mapping (primarily for use with the Macro Oscillators, allowing notes and CCs for each voice on the same channel).
  • The Quad Envelope algorithm can now be triggered via I2C.
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI from the Select Bus would be shown as originating on the MIDI breakout, if the 'Select Bus function' setting was set to 'Only MIDI'.
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1.19 6/3/2023
  • Added the Macro Oscillator 2 algorithm.
  • Added rudimentary MPE support. The single mode MIDI receive channel can now be set to 'MPE'. The SD Multisample and Poly Wavetable algorithms support per-note pitch bend. The Poly Wavetable algorithm supports replacing one or both envelopes with the per-note pressure or expression CC.
  • Added the possibility of changing the MIDI note numbers used to remote control the Looper algorithm.
  • The Looper algorithm can now use MIDI clock as its clock source.
  • The choice of MIDI clock divisors available in the Quad Envelope algorithm has been expanded.
  • Added a parameter to choose the playback file in the WAV Recorder algorithm.
  • In the WAV Recorder algorithm, the record/playback locks are now implemented via mapped parameters, so they can be changed if desired.
  • Renamed 'Effect gain' to 'Granulator gain' in the Granulator algorithm.
  • If a MIDI CC is assigned to change the (single mode) algorithm, this is now sent when a preset is loaded. Similarly in dual mode, the algorithm select and set/free Z CCs are sent when a preset is loaded.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the Input mode parameter in the SD Multisample algorithm could result in CV mappings not working as expected.
  • In dual mode, when the display is flipped, the two sides of the display now appear aligned with the correct set of knobs/jacks.
  • Fixed an issue where high rates of incoming MIDI could cause incorrect results in certain algorithms.
  • Fixed the Tuner algorithm's octave display, which was off by two.
  • Fixed an issue where the output audio could glitch when the display powered on or off.
  • Fixed an issue where the SRAM test could report a false failure.
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1.18.1 8/2/2023
  • Changing parameter numbers 65 and above now sends MIDI CCs (if the option is enabled).
  • The default MIDI mapping no longer uses CC #64 (reserved for sustain by some algorithms).
  • Fixed the 'Fine tune' in the Resonator algorithm.
  • Fixed a problem where the two Sympathetic Strings modes in the Resonator algorithm would not correctly use the V/octave input.
  • Fixed a problem where MIDI or I2C mappings of parameter numbers 65 and above would not work.
  • Fixed a problem where parameter 1 would not update correctly in some algorithms.
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1.18 1/2/2023
  • Added the Resonator algorithm.
  • The Granulator algorithm has been overhauled. It now offers twice the previous grain count, and has a built-in reverb. It also has a new 'Record fade' parameter, and new spawn mode and grain size options.
  • Added an output mix matrix to the Macro Oscillator algorithm.
  • Added the ability to share oscillator parameters between instances in the Macro Oscillator algorithm.
  • The Macro Oscillator algorithm now supports round-robin polyphonic voice allocation of its four voices over MIDI and I2C.
  • Added minimum and maximum velocity parameters to the Auto-sampler feature of the WAV Recorder algorithm.
  • Added a feature to the Tracker algorithm allowing direct specification of the harmonized notes via MIDI.
  • Added the option of 'soft takeover' on MIDI CCs.
  • All single mode algorithm parameters can now have MIDI or I2C mappings applied, not just the first 64 as previously.
  • Added an I2C command to control the output of an attached ES-5 expander.
  • Fixed an issue in the Macro Oscillator algorithm where a MIDI note with velocity zero would be recognised as a note on instead of a note off.
  • Fixed an issue where using quantize-to-MIDI in the Dual Quantizer algorithms would not work as expected.
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1.17.1 21/12/2022
  • Added I2C control of the Macro Oscillator algorithm.
  • Fixed some of the Macro Oscillator models, notably PRTC and TWNQ.
  • Fixed an issue where the Macro Oscillator algorithm would not respond to CV Mappings.
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1.17 19/12/2022
  • Added the Macro Oscillator algorithm.
  • Added the option of deriving the Multi FX algorithm's delay times from an input clock.
  • Added a 'latching' option to button mappings.
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1.16.1 2/12/2022
  • Significantly improved the quality of the reverb in the Multi FX algorithm.
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1.16 24/11/2022
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.24.
  • Added the option of 'broken chords' to the Chord Engine algorithm.
  • In sample playback algorithms that make use of 'round robins', there are now options for how the round robins are selected (sequentially, randomly etc.).
  • The Multi FX algorithm now has an aux input, and output clip indicators.
  • The SD 6 Triggers algorithm now recognises MIDI All Notes Off and All Sound Off messages, and has menu items to invoke these manually.
  • All single mode algorithms that use MIDI notes now have options for the range of notes to use (or ignore).
  • Improved the audio quality of the Dual Vowel Filter algorithm.
  • Improved the audio quality of the Multi FX algorithm when the pitch shift option is in use. This changed necessitated lowering the maximum value of 'Pitch shift delay'.
  • Fixed a display error and possible crash in the Pulsar VCO algorithm.
  • Fixed a crash in the WAV Recorder algorithm associated with very high input signal levels.
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1.15 29/9/2022
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.23 (and so adding the Counter algorithm).
  • Added the option of 'broken chords' to the SD Multisample, Poly Wavetable, and Poly Exciter algorithms.
  • Added an 'Input gain' parameter to the Tracker algorithm, which will now track an unamplified guitar plugged directly into the module.
  • Added a function to the Augustus Loop algorithm to enable a near-instant clear of the delay buffer.
  • Added the ability to output MIDI from the Chord Engine algorithm.
  • Added the option to specify 'Delay mean' and 'Delay spread' in ms instead of % in the Granulator algorithm.
  • Added new options for the 'Enable second display' setting so that algorithms with visuals (e.g. the Granulator or Quad Envelope) can have the visuals always visible.
  • Improved the audio quality in the Mixer algorithm and the various Reverb algorithms.
  • Increased the range of the Microtuner algorithm (down to 16.3Hz).
  • Fixed a problem where chords triggered over I2C in the Poly Wavetable and Poly Exciter algorithms would play the same pitch for all notes in the chord.
  • Fixed a problem where using the Wavetable VCO algorithm on the right side would corrupt the audio on the left side.
  • Fixed the Dual Quantizer algorithm which was broken by v1.14.
  • Fixed various algorithms not using their algorithm-specific Z behaviour: Sample and Hold, Shift Register Random Triggers, Shift Register Random Dual Triggers, Clockable Wavetable LFO, Switch.
  • Fixed a possible crash in the WAV Recorder and Augustus Loop algorithms if one of the input attenuverters were set to zero.
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1.14 9/6/2022
  • Added the Chord Engine, Microtuner, and Tracker algorithms.
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.22 (and so adding the Frequency Shifter and Phase Shifter algorithms). Note that the disting EX version of the Frequency Shifter is considerably more elaborate and supports Single-Side-Band (SSB) modulation, and a feedback loop around the shifter.
  • Added support for a second, external, OLED display module.
  • Added the 'Trigger mode' parameter to the Poly Wavetable algorithm.
  • Added the Harmonic Minor scale to the choice of scales available for chord generation.
  • The Dual Quantizer algorithms now show the notes' octaves as well as names.
  • The 'Show MIDI parameter' setting now applies in dual mode.
  • The SD Multisample, Poly Wavetable, and Poly Exciter algorithms now have 'All notes off' menu items.
  • Fixed an issue in the SD Multisample algorithm where releasing sustain would not release the sustained notes.
  • Fixed an issue where running the Tuner algorithm on the right side would corrupt the audio on the left side.
  • Fixed an issue in the Convolver algorithm where changing the impulse via a mapping (e.g. MIDI) would not take effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Autosave would not kick in for a very long time when running the Convolver algorithm.
  • Fixed an issue in the Audio Playback with Z Speed and Dual Audio Playback with Z Speed algorithms where the playback speed would be incorrect during any fade-in portion.
  • Fixed a crash when accessing help for a dual mode algorithm loaded via a favourites slot.
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1.13.2 7/3/2022
  • Fixed a crash when entering the Dream Machine algorithm.
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1.13.1 1/3/2022
  • Fixed a crash when processing a large number of files (e.g. wavetables when initialising the Poly Wavetable algorithm).
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1.13 28/2/2022
  • Added the Convolver algorithm.
  • Added the single mode 'display zoom' feature.
  • Added filter and external effects loop options to the Augustus Loop algorithm.
  • The Poly Exciter algorithm now also has the new input and arpgeggiator modes that were added in version 1.12 to the SD Multisample and Poly Wavetable algorithms.
  • The Poly Wavetable algorithm now has the option of using inputs as 'pressure' instead of 'gate' (essentially replacing the volume envelope with a VCA input).
  • MIDI mappings now support aftertouch messages.
  • The SD Multisample algorithm now supports the '-endLoopOnRelease' playlist flag.
  • Algorithms that support Scala and MTS now support loading MTS dumps from the MicroSD card.
  • Scala .scl and .kbm tunings can now be sent to the module over MIDI, allowing live iteration.
  • Added a menu item to save the most recent MTS tuning dump received over MIDI to the MicroSD card.
  • All SysEx communication now uses a SysEx ID, so multiple modules can be individually addressed.
  • Added the 'Show SysEx parameter' setting.
  • The accessibility support has been further developed.
  • If multiple preset changes are received over MIDI while the module is busy (e.g. loading a wavetable) it no longer performs each preset change individually, instead jumping directly to the last one.
  • Fixed a crash in the mappings menu when scrolling around between parameter 1 and the highest parameter.
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1.12 20/1/2022
  • The SD Multisample and Poly Wavetable algorithms have the following enhancements:
    • Added more options for the 'Input mode' parameter, allowing multiple CV inputs per gate (for use with, for example, modules that output chords of CVs).
    • Chord generation and arpeggiation are now independent. If multiple pitch CVs are provided per gate, the arpeggiator can use these pitches (instead of or as well as the generated chord).
    • Added a new 'As Played' arpeggiator mode.
    • There is now an option for the paraphonic gate ouptut to reflect whether there are any keys/gates held, rather than whether there are any voices playing.
  • The SD Multisample algorithm has the following enhancements:
    • The 'Env Time' parameter has been replaced by a full ADSR envelope, and the release fades are much smoother.
    • The algorithm now has a built-in delay/echo effect.
    • The algorithm now has a hi-fi style overall tone control.
    • Added the 'Output spread' parameter.
    • The 'Normalisation' parameter has been removed. Instead, the 'Gain' parameter has a much wider range.
  • Added the 'First MIDI note' option to the SD 6 Triggers algorithm.
  • Added the 'Trigger no retrigger' trigger mode option to the Quad Envelope algorithm.
  • Added the 'LFO shape' parameter to the Granulator algorithm.
  • Added MIDI SysEx messages to replicate the I2C interface to the Looper algorithm.
  • Added some accessibility support (aimed at using a screen reader with an associated HTML tool) via MIDI SysEx.
  • Autosave and manually saving a preset no longer interrupt audio.
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1.11.1 16/12/2021
  • Fixed an issue where loading SD Multisample or WAV Recorder presets saved by pre-1.11 firmware would not default the new parameters to the correct values.
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1.11 14/12/2021
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.21 (and so adding the Low Pass Gate and Attenuverter/Offset algorithms).
  • Delay time can now be set as a MIDI clock division in the Poly Wavetable, Poly Exciter, Granulator, and Multi FX algorithms.
  • Added note range parameters to the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Added routing options to the WAV Recorder algorithm so all inputs can be monitored when recording more than two audio channels.
  • Added mix coefficient smoothing to the Matrix Mixer algorithm.
  • Added end-of-cycle triggers and activate/inactive gate outputs to the Quad Envelope algorithm.
  • Extended the MIDI mapping system to dual mode algorithms.
  • Fixed a problem in the SD 6 Triggers algorithm where looping samples would not be correctly initialised to those set by the parameters until retriggered.
  • Fixed a problem that would cause the Looper algorithm to immediately enter record when loaded as a startup preset.
  • Fixed a problem where the Audio Playback with Crossfade algorithm would trigger a playback cycle when the folder was changed even if the gate mode was 0 and the gate CV was low.
  • Fixed an issue where loading a Poly Wavetable preset that used wavetable 0 would not load the wavetable.
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1.10.1 12/11/2021
  • Fixed a problem when using dual mode WAV playback algorithms on both sides simultaneously.
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1.10 4/11/2021
  • The SD 6 Triggers algorithm now allows specification of a different sample folder for each voice.
  • Added the ability to disable trigger inputs in the SD 6 Triggers algorithm (while leaving the voice active for MIDI/I2C triggering).
  • The streaming of samples from the SD card by the SD Multisample and SD 6 Trigger algorithms has been improved to cope better with under-performing SD cards.
  • MIDI bank select messages are now supported for preset change by MIDI program change messages.
  • Fixed the behaviour of the 'Offset' parameter in the Dual Sample and Hold algorithm when using Z as the signal input.
  • Fixed the displayed millisecond value of sample offsets in the SD 6 Trigger algorithm.
  • Fixed an issue with voice allocation in the Poly Wavetable algorithm which could cause dropped notes when playing chords with slow attacks.
  • Fixed the behaviour of the MIDI/CV algorithm's 'Interrupt' feature when used with low or high note priority mode.
  • Fixed a problem in the Dream Machine algorithm where setting the numerator and denominator parameters via I2C would produce unpredictable results.
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1.9 9/9/2021
  • Added the Poly Exciter algorithm.
  • Added the Quad Envelope algorithm.
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.20.
  • In the SD 6 Triggers algorithm, pressing 'R' while choosing a sample now triggers playback of that sample.
  • Added new stereo+mono output assignments to the SD 6 Triggers algorithm.
  • Added new arpeggiator patterns to the SD Multisample and Poly Wavetable algorithms.
  • Added the ability to enable Chord mode on a per gate basis to the SD Multisample and Poly Wavetable algorithms.
  • Added support for specifying the sample folder on a per gate basis to the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Added the 'Pitch quantize' parameter to the Granulator algorithm.
  • Added MTS (MIDI Tuning Standard) support to the MIDI/CV and Programmable Quantizer algorithms.
  • Added I2C support for dual mode operations (parameters, algorithms, presets, etc.).
  • Optimised the case where both sides are running Audio Playback algorithms, significantly reducing triggering latency.
  • Dual mode presets now store whether the Z knob has been overridden by MIDI.
  • Added functions to save and load all dual mode presets to/from the SD card.
  • Added support for viewing and editing Mappings via the preset editor tool.
  • Added an option for stereo operation to the Bit Crusher algorithm.
  • Added new modes to the Dual Sample and Hold algorithm which use Z as the signal to be sampled and X & Y as the sample triggers.
  • Fixed a problem where the Dual Sample and Hold algorithm wouldn't use its custom Z press behaviour by default.
  • Fixed a problem with the Round Robin logic in the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Fixed a problem in the Poly Wavetable algorithm which could result in incorrect envelopes if notes were being stolen.
  • Fixed a problem where running the Dual VCO algorithm on the right side could cause audio glitches on the left side.
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1.8.2 11/8/2021
  • Fixed an issue which could cause the module to hang when reading from the SD card.
  • The dual mode Clock algorithm no longer sends MIDI clock if the MIDI TX channel is set to 0 (Off) in the settings.
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1.8.1 2/8/2021
  • When loading a preset, the SD Multisample and SD 6 Triggers algorithms no longer reload the samples if the preset being loaded uses the same sample folder as the current one. Likewise for the Poly Wavetable algorithm and the current wavetable.
  • Added a 'MIDI out channel' parameter to the MIDI File Playback algorithms.
  • Fixed a problem which could result in erroneous output if both sides were running a MIDI File Playback algorithm.
  • Fixed the 'Load all from SD card' and 'Save all to SD card' functions for Mappings.
  • Fixed a problem which could result in the settings becoming corrupted.
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1.8.0 19/5/2021
  • Added the Multi FX algorithm.
  • Added the Oscilloscope algorithm.
  • Added the 'Gate offset' parameter to the Poly Wavetable algorithm.
  • Added the 'Clocks required' parameter to the Augustus Loop algorithm.
  • Added the 'Reverse' parameter to the Granulator algorithm.
  • Added 'Start offset' parameters to the SD 6 Triggers algorithm.
  • Added 'I2C learn' (like MIDI learn, for I2C).
  • Added the 'Enable High Speed SD' setting.
  • Added the 'Wake on MIDI/I2C' setting.
  • Added an 'Ignore' option to the 'Program Change Option' setting.
  • Some parameters, notably the sample folders in the SD Multisample and SD 6 Triggers algorithms, and the wavetable in the Poly Wavetable and Dream Machine algorithms, now wait for the user to confirm their choice (by pressing the encoder) before changing.
  • The Looper algorithm now stores the loop play/reverse/octave down states in its presets.
  • Modified the 'G' in the large font used by the quantizer algorithms to make it more distinct from the 'C'.
  • In dual mode, the help texts for the two sides now have independent scroll positions.
  • Dual mode algorithms now send MIDI CCs on parameter changes and preset loads (if enabled in the settings).
  • Processing of MIDI 'soft thru' now continues at all times (rather than stopping e.g. during WAV folder load).
  • Single mode presets now store which parameter was active when stored.
  • Fixed a problem in the SD Multisample algorithm where the Transpose and Octave parameters would not be correctly applied to notes triggered by MIDI.
  • Fixed a problem in the Dream Machine algorithm where setting the numerator and denominator parameters via MIDI would produce unpredictable results.
  • Fixed the Quantizer 2 algorithm's response to MIDI.
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1.7.2 30/3/2021
  • Fixed an issue where MIDI CCs sent on parameter changes would not match the CC values required to put the parameter back to the same value.
  • Fixed an issue in the SD Multisample algorithm where very short notes could end up with no decay envelope applied.
  • Auto-save is now prevented in the Poly Wavetable algorithm while notes are playing.
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1.7.1 18/3/2021
  • Fixed the Filter Bank algorithm, which was completely broken unless its VCAs were in use.
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1.7 15/3/2021
  • Added the Granulator algorithm.
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware versions 4.18 and 4.19.
  • Added MTS (MIDI Tuning Standard) support to the SD Multisample and Poly Wavetable algorithms (compatible with MTS-ESP).
  • Added the option to send MIDI CCs when changing parameters or loading presets (to update contollers or editors).
  • Added dual mode algorithms equivalent to the disting mk4's Stereo Clockable SD Delay algorithms (with the same functionality, but not using the SD card). Since these use slots K-7 and K-8, the disting EX 24dB/oct VCF algorithm is moved from K-8 to K-6.
  • Added the 'Output mode' parameter to the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Added the 'LFO retrigger' and 'LFO spread' parameters to the Poly Wavetable algorithm.
  • When a preset is loaded or saved, the top line of the display now shows the preset name instead of the algorithm name, until the preset is edited.
  • Added the option of using the 'L' and 'R' buttons to step between presets for the current algorithm.
  • Added functions to save all presets as individual files to a folder on the SD card, and to load presets files from a folder and install them in flash.
  • Added a function to erase a preset in flash.
  • Added MIDI activity indicators to the default single mode display.
  • Added an 'output key' display to complement the existing 'input key' (when holding 'V').
  • Added the 'Gate CV threshold' setting.
  • Added a setting so that when a parameter is mapped using MIDI learn, any other mappings using that CC are disabled.
  • Dual mode algorithms with Tap Tempo (the Clockable LFO, Delays, and Envelopes) now store the tapped tempo in presets (including the autosaved state).
  • The MIDI Playback algorithms no longer output MIDI if the MIDI transmit channel is set to zero.
  • Fixed the 'Save all presets to SD card' function, which was only saving the first 31 presets.
  • Fixed a problem which could cause all kinds of insiduous failures but mostly was responsible for SD playback modes stuttering and breaking up.
  • Fixed a problem in the Poly Wavetable algorithm where adjusting release time while notes were playing could result in the currently playing notes having extremely long release times.
  • Fixed a problem when loading a preset for the Poly Wavetable algorithm where it would not correctly resolve the wavetable if the contents of the wavetables folder differed from when the preset was saved.
  • Fixed a problem where loading a mapping for the Poly Wavetable algorithm would disable some CV mappings.
  • Fixed a problem where the Quantizer 2 algorithm could crash with an out-of-range scale parameter.
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1.6.3 29/1/2021
  • Fixed a problem where all WAV playback algorithms (single and dual) could crash or start producing garbage after a short while, or when selecting a new sample folder.
  • Fixed a problem in the Clock algorithm where the analogue outputs would stop working after some minutes.
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1.6.2 22/12/2020
  • Fixed a crash when loading the Poly Wavetable algorithm after the SD 6 Triggers algorithm was previously used.
  • Fixed preset loading for the Poly Wavetable algorithm.
  • In the Augustus Loop algorithm, fixed the delay time changing when 'Inertia free' was activated.
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1.6.1 21/12/2020
  • Wavetable algorithms now support 32 bit float format WAV files, and default to interpreting single file wavetables as having a 2048 frame wavelength if the file is a multiple of 2048 frames in length. (Together, these changes mean that Serum format wavetables are natively supported.)
  • The Poly Wavetable algorithm now supports tap tempo of its delay time.
  • Control of certain parameters (notably the delay time for the Poly Wavetable algorithm) is now exponential when controlled via the R knob or via MIDI CC.
  • The three Reverb algorithms are now smooth when their Size parameters are changed, and the quality of the Freeze function is improved.
  • Algorithm help text can now be scrolled with 'R', and there is a graphical indicator of the current scroll position.
  • Fixed a problem where the help text for some algorithms was truncated.
  • Fixed the CV control of Feedback in the Mono-to-Stereo Reverb algorithm.
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1.6 15/12/2020
  • Added the Poly Wavetable algorithm.
  • Added the 24dB/oct VCF algorithm.
  • The Side-chain Compressor and Mono Compressor algorithms can now mix the side-chain signal into the outputs.
  • Increased the range of the offset and attenuverter parameters of the Shift Register Random CVs and Shift Register Random Quantized CVs algorithms.
  • The 'Overdub fade' parameter of the Looper algorithm now goes down to –∞dB, effectively allowing 'replace' instead of 'overdub'.
  • Added the 'Lock range' parameter to the Looper algorithm.
  • It is now possible retrigger loops in the Looper algorithm without first pausing them.
  • Added a 'Transpose limit' setting for the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Added 'MIDI learn' for setting up MIDI mappings.
  • Added a SysEx interface to parameter discovery and editing, allowing remote preset editing over MIDI.
  • Added a 'Chromatic' scale type for the SD Multisample algorithm and fixed the 'Natural Minor' scale so playing notes actually in the scale produces the correct result.
  • A preset can now store the index of a mapping to load automatically when the preset is loaded.
  • The 'Show MIDI history' display now shows all messages (was previously blank for clock etc.).
  • When selecting dual mode parameters via encoder push-hold-turn, the display now remains in zoom mode as long as the encoder is held.
  • Fixed a bug in the Wavetable VCO, Dual VCO, Pulsar VCO, and Dream Machine algorithms which would cause unpleasant aliasing distortion, especially at high pitches.
  • Fixed a possible crash when switching from dual to single mode.
  • Fixed a bug in the MIDI File Playback algorithms which could corrupt playback of files over a certain size.
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1.5 2/11/2020
  • Added the Dual VCO algorithm.
  • Added quick access to dual mode help text, and added a single screen input/output summary for all dual algorithms.
  • Added the auto-save feature.
  • Added support for 'smpl' chunks in WAV files to define loop points.
  • Added graphical visualisation to the Shift Register Random algorithms.
  • Added the 'FM Range' parameter to the Dream Machine algorithm.
  • Added support for changing presets via MIDI Program Change, and for changing algorithms via Program Change or CC messages.
  • Added support for forwarding incoming MIDI from the breakout to the Select Bus.
  • Added the 'oct->semi' quantization mode to the Matrix Mixer algorithm.
  • The SD Multisample & SD 6 Triggers algorithms now support up to 1000 folders.
  • The SD Multisample algorithm's 'Input mode' parameter can now be set to zero.
  • Increased the Four Quadrant Multiplier algorithm's maximum scale factor to 16.
  • The 'Z Mode' parameter of the CV To MIDI algorithm now goes up to 127.
  • Fixed an issue in the SD 6 Triggers algorithm where disabled voices could still be triggered by MIDI.
  • Fixed a problem where the module would hang when parsing WAV filename flags with two digits (e.g. '_RR10' for round robin).
  • Fixed a problem in the Shift Register Random CVs & Shift Register Random Quantized CVs algorithms where setting the length to 32 and direction to 1 would produce the wrong result.
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1.4 16/9/2020
  • Added the Dream Machine algorithm.
  • Added the Filter Bank algorithm.
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.17 (so adding the Rotary and Clock algorithms).
  • Added the Looper 'Octave down' function.
  • Added Looper-specific i2c messages.
  • Added hysteresis to knob mappings to avoid jittery behaviour.
  • Added settings to enable automatic switching of the current parameter to the one being changed by MIDI or i2c.
  • All MIDI transmit channel settings can now be set to 'Off'.
  • All single mode algorithms that respond to MIDI notes can now be set to ignore them.
  • The dual mode Quantizer algorithm now uses the MIDI receive channel from the settings.
  • Reduced the default fadeOut setting for the SD 6 Triggers algorithm (to reduce trigger latency).
  • Fixed a problem where changing loop gains in the Looper algorithm could result in zipper noise.
  • Fixed a problem where parameters changed by i2c would not immediately take effect.
  • Fixed a problem in the SD Multisample algorithm where voice allocation could produce unexpected results when using multiple CV/gate inputs.
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1.3.1 31/7/2020
  • Significantly reduced aliasing distortion in the Wavetable VCO algorithm when generating high pitches.
  • Added a graphical view of the current waveform for all wavetable-based algorithms.
  • The Looper 'reverse' function now applies only to the targeted loop(s).
  • Fixed a problem where the Looper would incorrectly load WAVs when operating in stereo.
  • Fixed a problem where the Looper's pitch would fluctuate unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a problem where the Quantizer 2 algorithm's pattern would not be preserved when saving/loading presets.
  • Fixed a problem where the module would freeze when entering the MIDI Playback algorithms with no MIDI files on the SD card.
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1.3 2/7/2020
  • Added the Looper algorithm.
  • Added the Multi-Switch algorithm.
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.16 (so adding the Chaos algorithm).
  • Added a much more thorough i2c implementation.
  • The SD 6 Triggers algorithm can now be triggered by MIDI notes.
  • The SD 6 Triggers algorithm now emits end-of-sample triggers via an attached ES-5.
  • Added the "Normalisation" parameter to the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • The SD Multisample and SD 6 Triggers algorithms now set the relevant parameter maximums to reflect the number of folders/WAV files, improving usability of the R knob for selecting folders/files.
  • The WAV Recorder now sends a MIDI note off if auto-sampling is cancelled.
  • Improved the smoothness of gain changes when using the Dry and Effect gain parameters in the Augustus Loop algorithm.
  • Added the "Default first CC" setting.
  • Added a setting for how much the R knob needs to move to take over menu or parameter value changes.
  • Improved the smoothness of the L & R knobs (in single mode).
  • Wavetable algorithms can now load stereo or 24 bit WAVs (ignoring the right channel/low 8 bits).
  • If a dual preset uses a Favourite, the algorithm name is now correctly shown when browsing presets.
  • Fixed an issue where the preset name would not be loaded when loading a dual preset.
  • Fixed an issue where the Z function would not be restored properly when loading a dual preset.
  • Fixed an issue that could occur when both dual algorithms were audio playback algorithms.
  • Fixed a crash when there were more than 100 wavetable folders.
  • Fixed a rare display corruption issue.
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1.2 22/5/2020
  • Added support for up to 6 channel recordings in the WAV Recorder algorithm, and added a graphical display of SD card write pressure.
  • Added the 'auto-sampler' to the WAV Recorder algorithm.
  • Added support for microtonal scales (using Scala) to the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Added the 'Auto-change startup preset' and 'Auto-save when changing algorithm' settings.
  • Increased the length of the filename displayed by the wavetable algorithms.
  • Changed the default MIDI CC mapping for single algorithms to start at CC #7.
  • Fixed problems with stuck or untriggerable notes in the SD Multisample algorithm, especially when chord mode was active.
  • Fixed a problem where the Z knobs would not work in dual mode.
  • Fixed a crash when entering any of the dual mode wavetable algorithms without wavetables on the SD card, and when entering the Programmable Quantizer algorithm without scales on the SD card.
  • Fixed a problem where the display could become corrupt in the quantizer algorithms if the quantized input was changing too rapidly.
  • Dual mode algorithms that send MIDI now correctly use the MIDI channel from the settings.
  • Fixed a crash when a folder had more than the expected number of WAV files in it.
  • Fixed a possible crash and SD card corruption when adding a new file to the card.
  • Fixed a crash in the Wavetable Waveshaper algorithm when processing large input voltages.
  • Fixed a crash in the Granular Pitch Shifter algorithm when the pitch was set very high.
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1.1.1 7/5/2020
  • Incorporated disting mk4 firmware version 4.15 (so adding the Granular Pitch Shifter algorithm).
  • Fixed a problem where WAV files containing lots of metadata would cause audio playback algorithms to take an extremely long time to scan folders.
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1.1 28/4/2020
  • Added the 'Gate offset' parameter to the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Fixed audio corruption while loading presets from the MicroSD card.
  • Fixed a problem where the sample folder would be scanned twice when switching presets in the SD Multisample or SD 6 Triggers algorithms.
  • Fixed some problems with the sustain feature in the SD Multisample algorithm.
  • Changed the WAV Recorder defaults to 48kHz/16 bit.
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1.0 3/4/2020 First release. Download User manual

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