Spectral Conquest v1.0.0 released - new plug-in

We’re proud to announce the release of a new plug-in - Spectral Conquest v1.0.0.

Spectral Conquest is an effect plug-in that lets you directly manipulate the frequency spectrum of audio signals.

The incoming signal is analysed via a FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), resulting in the familiar spectrum plot where the full audio spectrum is split into a number of narrow frequency bands. The outgoing audio is then regenerated by an Inverse FFT. The interesting bit is that the plug-in lets you modify the frequency spectrum in between.

Spectral Conquest allows you to modify the spectrum in two ways:
  • By setting a multiplier for each frequency band. You can simply draw out the multipliers in the GUI.
  • By applying a script to the spectrum. Some basic scripts are included with the plug-in to perform operations such as filtering and gating, but you can also write scripts yourself to do whatever you like.

Available immediately for Mac OS X (AU, VST) and Windows (VST), priced at $29.

Spectral Conquest is also available as part of the Ultimate Bundle (now priced at $155) and the Creative Effects Bundle (now priced at $55).

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