New module - the disting NT
Available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
New module - the ES-10
The ES-10 is an 8-in/8-out ADAT interface, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be used for both audio and CVs.
Each input can be individually selected for modular or line level operation.
The outputs can be expanded via the ES-5 module.
The ES-10 uses AKM 'VELVET SOUND' DACs and ADCs and low noise audio op-amps for the best possible sound quality.
Available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.

disting EX firmware v1.25 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module - Otterley
Otterley is a multi-LFO module, designed to offer extensive modulation possibilities, with a good amount of control and flexibility, while remaining nicely compact.
Four of the outputs are switchable between sine and square LFOs. Their frequencies are jointly set by the Speed and Spread knobs, which control the base speed and the speed difference between the outputs, respectively. Both controls also have CV inputs. These four outputs can also be switched between bipolar (±5V) and unipolar (10V positive or negative), and can be reset to the start of their cycle via the Reset input.
A fifth output offers another, independent, sine LFO with its own speed knob.
The module is 100% analogue.
Otterley is available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
disting EX firmware v1.24 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware 1.22 released
New module - Cicely
Cicely is an “octave fuzz” effect, inspired by the legendary “Octavia” guitar pedal, created by Roger Mayer and most notably used by Jimi Hendrix. There is an interesting history of the pedal on Roger's website here. Cicely adapts the concept for the modular environment, adds some extra features, and of course puts the effect under CV control.
The effect is essentially one of adding an octave on top of the input note, but this only really applies to pure input tones – for more complex tones, the sound is changed in all sorts of interesting ways. This is combined with the possibility of overdriving the sound for even more edge, while the unique 'Centre' control adds asymmetrical clipping.
As a bonus feature, Cicely also includes an envelope follower.
The module is 100% analogue.
Cicely is available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
disting EX firmware v1.23 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.22 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module - Aloysius
Aloysius is an envelope with an unusual AHDW (attack/hold/decay/wait) configuration, sometimes referred to as a trapezoid generator. CV control of all envelope times is provided. The envelope can be set to auto-trigger, turning it into a complex voltage-controlled LFO.
The shape of the attack and decay sections can be independently and continuously adjusted from exponential, through linear, to logarithmic.
The module is constructed entirely from analogue parts and discrete logic. There is no microcontroller or digital-to-analogue conversion involved and therefore no quantization of voltage levels or of the response time.
Aloysius is available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
disting EX firmware v1.21 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.20 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.25 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.19 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module - Amelia
'Amelia' is an envelope/function generator with an unusual ADBR (attack/decay/break/release) configuration. CV control of all envelope times and of the break level is provided. The envelope can be set to auto-trigger, turning it into a complex voltage-controlled LFO.
The shape of the attack and decay/release sections can be independently and continuously adjusted from exponential, through linear, to logarithmic.
Amelia was developed with use with sequencers particularly in mind, where often you only have a trigger output, not a gate of adjustable length. It allows you to create complex and flexible envelope shapes from that simple trigger signal that can be fully modulated under voltage control.
The module is constructed entirely from analogue parts and discrete logic. There is no microcontroller or digital-to-analogue conversion involved and therefore no quantization of voltage levels or of the response time.
Amelia is available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
disting EX firmware v1.18 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.17 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.16 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module - Pandora
'Pandora' is a bandpass filter/distortion processor, based on an unusual combination of power MOSFET transistors and vactrols. Voltage control is provided over the two sides of the filter, the gain, and the filter feedback. A wet/dry mixer is provided, also under voltage control.
A range switch is provided to drop the filter response several octaves, at which point the module becomes capable of synthesising percussion sounds when fed trigger pulses.
The module is 100% analogue.
Pandora is available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
New module reveal November 22nd
disting mk4 firmware v4.24 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.15 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware 1.18 released
disting mk4 firmware v4.23 released
Download the new firmware from here.
CVM-8 firmware v1.1 released
FH-2 firmware 1.17 released
disting EX firmware v1.14 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.22 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.13 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module: CVM-8 now available
The CVM-8 is an eight channel CV to MIDI and CV to I2C converter. Its two independent MIDI ports can be used with any MIDI device via 5 pin DIN or TRS 3.5mm jack breakouts, or connected directly to other Expert Sleepers modules via their MIDI breakout headers.
Compatible Expert Sleepers modules include the disting mk4, FH-2 and ES-9 (MIDI only) and the disting EX (MIDI and I2C). Compatible breakouts include the MIDI Breakout and the Tiny MIDI Breakout.
The CVM-8 also sends on the Select Bus, so no wiring is required to drive, for example, the disting EX.
As an added bonus, the module provides I2C-to-MIDI functionality.
The CVM-8 is available immediately, stock permitting - see Where To Buy.
disting EX firmware v1.12 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.21 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module - Persephone
Persephone is a VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier) using a discrete JFET as the gain element. The JFET can be tastefully (or violently) overdriven for saturation/distortion effects.
Persephone also includes a zero-crossing detector, which can be used to restrict gain changes to zeros in the audio waveform, preventing clicks and pops that can occur with very fast envelopes, especially on lower pitched sounds. In fact, with the zero-crossing circuit engaged, you can use a simple gate as the CV input without clicks.
Available immediately (stock permitting) - see Where To Buy.
FH-2 accessibility demo
FH-2 firmware 1.15 released
disting EX firmware v1.9 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.20 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New range of all-analogue modules
Ivo is a resonant low-pass VCF (Voltage Controlled Filter), switchable between 2-pole (12dB/octave) and 3-pole (18dB/octave) responses, with voltage control over feedback (resonance) as well as cutoff frequency.
Lorelei is a VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) with quadrature sine outputs, waveshaping, and sync/cross-modulation options.
Beatrix is a phaser, offering voltage control over notch frequencies, effect depth and feedback (resonance).
All are available immediately (stock permitting) - see Where To Buy.
New module - Tiny MIDI breakout
The Tiny MIDI breakout is available immediately. Please see here for more details.

ES-9 firmware 1.2 released
FH-2 firmware 1.14 released
disting EX firmware v1.8 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.13 released
disting EX firmware v1.7 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.18 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.6 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.5 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.4 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.17 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.10 released
disting EX firmware v1.3 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.16 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting EX firmware v1.2 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.9 released
Announcing the disting EX

The disting EX is a multifunction Eurorack module, building on the rich legacy of the previous disting incarnations, which can operate as
- two souped-up disting mk4s, or as
- a single powerful module in its own right.
Brand new features for the disting EX include an eight voice polyphonic sample (WAV) player, a powerful stereo tape delay (based on our own Augustus Loop), and a dedicated WAV recorder mode.
When acting as two disting mk4s, the disting EX offers these advantages:
- Higher sample rate (96kHz)
- Much more RAM (so all delays, reverbs etc. can be much longer)
- Lower latency when triggering samples (now 700µs)
- And of course, an OLED display.
The module ships with a MicroSD card containing some excellent samples and wavetables from our friends at Spitfire Audio, Goldbaby and Adventure Kid.
The disting EX is available immediately. Please visit your local modular store (virtually - sadly it's unlikely that any actual physical stores are open right now) to order.
ES-9 firmware v1.1.1 released
FH-2 firmware v1.8 released
disting mk4 firmware v1.14 released
Download the new firmware from here.
New module - ES-9 announced

The ES-9 is a Eurorack 16-in/16-out USB audio interface, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be used for both audio and CVs.
With its balanced 1/4" main outputs & headphone socket, it's the perfect one-stop solution for integrating a modular synth and a laptop/tablet, either in the studio or when playing out at a gig.
Join us at Signal Sounds for a launch event on September 26th and at Synthfest UK on October 5th for a first public appearance. The module should be in stores early October.
disting mk4 firmware v4.13 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.12 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.7 released
disting mk4 firmware v4.11 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.6 released
New module: 'Little Mikey' released
Little Mikey is a mic/instrument pre-amp in an 8HP Eurorack module, providing up to 60dB of exceptionally clean gain.
It will provide 48V phantom power to condenser microphones and other phantom-powered equipment, and has a high impedance input option allowing direct connection of e.g. electric guitars.
Available immediately from all good modular stores.
disting mk4 firmware v4.10 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.5 released
New module: FHX-8CV replaces FHX-1
The FHX-8CV replaces the FHX-1, which is now discontinued.
MSRP: UK £119 (inclusive of VAT), US $149 (exclusive of sales tax), EU €119 (exclusive of VAT)
disting mk4 firmware v4.9 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.4 released
New module: FHX-8GT to be released at Synthfest UK
Up to four FHX-8GTs can be attached to one FH-2. Each FHX-8GT can also be expanded with the ESX-8GT, for a total of 64 outputs.
This is in addition to the seven FHX-1s that can be added to an FH-2 for extra CV outptus.
The FHX-8GT will launch at Synthfest UK (October 6th 2018) and will be available immediately thereafter.
MSRP: UK £75 (inclusive of VAT), US $89 (exclusive of sales tax), EU €72 (exclusive of VAT)
disting mk4 firmware v4.8 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.3 released
Download the new firmware from here.
General CV firmware v1.4 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.2 released
disting mk4 firmware v4.7 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-2 firmware v1.1 released
FH-2 now shipping
The FH-2 is an 8HP Eurorack module combining the following functions:
- MIDI to CV conversion including polyphonic and MPE operation.
- The FH-2 is simultaneously a USB MIDI host, a USB MIDI device, and also supports traditional 5-pin DIN MIDI.
- Support for drum triggers including triggers with velocity or accents.
- Support for automatic VCO calibration (similar to that in Silent Way).
- The FH-2 is simultaneously a USB MIDI host, a USB MIDI device, and also supports traditional 5-pin DIN MIDI.
- Clock generation and synchronisation.
- MIDI clock (in and out), analogue clock (in and out), or internal clock (BPM or tap tempo).
- MIDI clock (in and out), analogue clock (in and out), or internal clock (BPM or tap tempo).
- LFO generation, including tempo-synced LFOs.
- Arpeggiators.
- Euclidean pattern generators.
'Rubadub Special Edition' disting mk4
To celebrate Expert Sleepers's recent move to Scotland and our distribution partnership with Rubadub we are very proud to announce a limited edition run of the Disting mk4. This Disting mk4 features a face-plate designed by artist, Andrew Beltran, and draws its inspiration from a topographic map of the Scottish highlands. Each one will ship with some very special Scottish gifts.
Place your order here.
ES-8 now includes Bitwig 8-Track
We're excited to announce that the ES-8 USB Audio Interface module now comes with a free licence for Bitwig 8-Track.
"Bitwig 8-Track, the trim and effective digital audio workstation to start producing, performing, and designing sounds like a pro. 8-Track includes the entire collection of Bitwig Studio devices for use on up to eight project tracks with audio or MIDI. Also included, the Bitwig Essentials Package, a versatile selection of presets and sounds handpicked from the flagship Bitwig Studio Library. Connect your controller, record your instrument, produce simple arrangements, design new sounds, or just jam."
Announcing the FH-2 'factotum'
Based on three years of valuable feedback from the Expert Sleepers customer base we are very proud to announce the successor to the FH-1, the FH-2!
The FH-2 is an 8HP Eurorack module combining the following functions:
- MIDI to CV conversion including polyphonic and MPE operation.
- The FH-2 is simultaneously a USB MIDI host, a USB MIDI device, and also supports traditional 5-pin DIN MIDI (via breakout).
- Clock generation and synchronisation.
- MIDI clock (in and out), analogue clock (in and out), or internal clock (BPM or tap tempo).
- LFO generation, including tempo-synced LFOs.
- Arpeggiator.
- Step sequencer.
The FH-2 will launch at Superbooth '18, and is expected to arrive in stores early June 2018.
MSRP: UK £249 (inclusive of VAT), US $299 (exclusive of sales tax), EU €239 (exclusive of VAT)
disting mk4 firmware v4.6 released
Download the new firmware from here.
General CV firmware v1.3 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.5 released
Download the new firmware from here.
General CV firmware v1.2 released
Download the new firmware from here.
ES-7 mk2 released
Functionally equivalent to the original ES-7, the mk2 adds illuminated jack sockets, and matches the look of the ES-6 mk2 and the other recent module updates.
The ES-7 mk2 is available immediately at a MSRP of $99/€89.
disting mk4 firmware v4.4 released
Download the new firmware from here.
FH-1 firmware v2.0 now available
Download the new firmware here.
FH-1 firmware v2 coming soon
FH-1 firmware v1.8 released
General CV to launch at Synthfest UK
disting mk3 firmware v3.10 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.3 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 firmware v4.2 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk3 firmware v3.9 released
Download the new firmware from here.
ESX-8CV mk2 released
Functionally equivalent to the original ESX-8CV, the mk2 adds illuminated jack sockets, has reduced power consumption, and matches the look of the ES-8 and the other recent module updates.
The ESX-8CV mk2 is available immediately at a MSRP of $169/€169.
disting mk4 firmware v4.1 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk4 MIDI ports revealed
The disting mk4 has a pair of MIDI ports (in and out), allowing it to both receive MIDI (for additional control over the algorithms) and generate MIDI (to control external MIDI gear from its algorithms and CV inputs). New dedicated MIDI-to-CV and CV-to-MIDI algorithms have been added; existing algorithms have had MIDI output added — notably the Quantizer and MIDI File Playback. The MIDI ports are accessed by an expansion module, and details are available so people can make their own DIY version, which is a very simple project. It is also planned to release a kit version of the expander — stand by for news on that.
Announcing the "General CV"
"For too long, Eurorack users have been denied important sounds such as 'Voice Oohs', 'Orchestra Hit' and 'Shakuhachi'," says Expert Sleepers founder Andrew Ostler. "We're delighted to finally bring these classic tones under CV control where they belong."
The General CV will show at the Superbooth show, Berlin, in April 2017.
disting mk4 now shipping
FH-1 firmware v1.7 released
disting mk3 firmware v3.8 released
Download the new firmware from here.
Announcing the disting mk4
- a dot matrix display, making menu navigation, parameter selection etc. a breeze.
- a front panel accessible MicroSD card slot.
- compatibility with the Macro Machines Storage Strip.
- an internal precision clock allowing new algorithms such as a tuner, and pitch and frequency references.
The disting mk4 is expected to be available early March 2017. Pricing TBD.

ES-8 standalone mode and Windows drivers
Firstly, a new firmware release scheduled for just after NAMM will allow the ES-8 to work in 'standalone' mode, that is, without a USB connection. In this mode, the ES-8 functions as an ADAT-to-audio converter, much like a combination of the ES-3 and ES-6 modules.
Secondly, we're glad to announce that Windows drivers for the ES-8 will (at last) be available in February 2017, allowing users of Windows 7, 8 & 10 to utilise the ES-8 for the first time.
(Update - these are now available. See the ES-8 page for details.)
New versions of ES-3, ES-5, ES-6 & ESX-8GT
All have been updated with self-illuminated jack sockets (as seen on the disting and ES-8), and are in general less deep. Otherwise functionality, and price, remains the same as the previous versions.
All are expected to be available February 2017.

New FH-1 tutorial by Learning Modular
Read it here.

The FH-1 works with Roli Blocks
GUI-based configuration tools for FH-1 now available
More details here.
FH-1 firmware v1.6 released
Download the new firmware here.
disting mk3 firmware v3.7 released
Download the new firmware from here.
ES-8 to launch at Synthfest
Glow-in-the-dark patch cables now in blue

disting mk3 firmware v3.6 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk3 firmware v3.5 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk3 firmware v3.4 released
Download the new firmware from here.
disting mk3 firmware v3.3 now released
This update also adds two other new algorithms - a vocoder, and a version of the precision adder algorithm with fractional voltage offsets. The latter is largely intended to make it simple to achieve semitone offsets when processing pitch CVs.
Download the new firmware from here.
Squinky Labs disting firmware now mk2 compatible
Downloads, installation instructions and source code are all here.
Discussion and videos are here.
disting mk3 firmware v3.2 now released
FH-1 firmware v1.5 now released
disting mk3 firmware v3.2 showing at NAMM
New features include
- a clockable ping pong delay effect.
- 10 envelope generator algorithms, including clockable envelopes, dual envelopes and combined envelopes/VCAs.
- quantised and unquantized random voltage generators.
- random trigger generators.
We’ll also be showing an experimental new firmware version that allows WAV file playback from the MicroSD card slot normally used for firmware updates.
The release will be announced on the forum thread here. Come and see the new features for yourself at Booth #5000.
FH-1 firmware v1.5 showing at NAMM
New features include
- new glide and gate length parameters for the built-in sequencers.
- portamento support for the MIDI/CV converters.
- per-device support in configuration scripts, allowing different configurations to be selected automatically when different MIDI devices are connected.
- front panel settings can be changed and menu actions can be performed via MIDI.
The release will be announced on the forum thread here. Come and see the new features for yourself at Booth #5000.
Squinky Labs releases alternative disting firmware
Announcing the disting mk3
The main changes as compared to the disting mk2 are:
* Smaller - now 42mm deep (from 53mm)
* Over 50% less power consumption - now 70mA combined draw (from 148mA)
* User-updatable code - via Micro SD card
* More algorithms - no longer limited to 16
* More functionality - new encoder and push buttons give more control options
New algorithms shipping with the disting mk3 include a voltage controlled delay, a tape delay, and a resonator/drum synthesizer. Many existing algorithms have been enhanced - with extra parameters, manual tap tempo (for the clockable LFO and delay modes), and a ‘knob recorder’ function. Refer to the updated user manual for details.
The disting mk3 is expected to ship in November 2015.
FHX-1 expander for FH-1 now available
USAMO plug-in v1.0.7 released
Announcing the FHX-1 Output Expander for FH-1
The FHX-1 is an expansion module for the FH-1 'faderHost' USB MIDI Host Eurorack module, adding 8 more outputs to the FH-1’s own. Up to 7 FHX-1s can be added to an FH-1, for a total of 64 outputs controlled from the one USB device.
The FHX-1 is showing for the first time today at the Brighton Modular Meet and is expected to be available in July 2015.
disting mk2 now shipping
New FH-1 demo: Launchpad Mini
USAMO now available
The Expert Sleepers USAMO (Universal Sample-Accurate MIDI Output) provides a sample-accurate, jitter-free MIDI output from your DAW.
The MIDI signal is generated by the USAMO software, a plug-in which runs as a virtual instrument (AU/VST/AAX, Mac & Windows), as audio in your DAW. The DAW sends MIDI to the plug-in; the plug-in translates that to audio and sends it to the USAMO hardware, via an output on your computer's audio interface. The USAMO then reconstructs the MIDI and outputs it on a standard 5 pin DIN MIDI socket.
In addition to MIDI note and controller data from the DAW, the USAMO software also generates MIDI clock, Song Position Pointer etc. It can also handle Sysex.
Because the MIDI signals are generated and transported as audio, they are guaranteed to be sample-accurately synced with your audio, and free of the jitter often associated with computer-generated MIDI.
Announcing the FH-1 'faderHost' USB MIDI Host
The FH-1 'faderHost' is a USB MIDI Host in an 8HP Eurorack module, allowing you to directly connect a USB MIDI controller to your modular synthesizer. Using a suitable connector box "USB MIDI controller" here includes an iPad or plain old computer.
As well as simple direct control of the output CVs from MIDI CCs, the FH-1 also offers
* LFOs on each output
* Step sequencers
* Polyphonic MIDI/CV conversion
* and much more
The FH-1 will be unveiled at the NAMM show, January 2015.
Announcing the USAMO
The Expert Sleepers USAMO (Universal Sample-Accurate MIDI Output) provides a sample-accurate, jitter-free MIDI output from your DAW.
The MIDI signal is generated by the USAMO software, a plug-in which runs as a virtual instrument (AU/VST/AAX, Mac & Windows), as audio in your DAW. The DAW sends MIDI to the plug-in; the plug-in translates that to audio and sends it to the USAMO hardware, via an output on your computer's audio interface. The USAMO then reconstructs the MIDI and outputs it on a standard 5 pin DIN MIDI socket.
In addition to MIDI note and controller data from the DAW, the USAMO software also generates MIDI clock, Song Position Pointer etc. It can also handle Sysex.
Because the MIDI signals are generated and transported as audio, they are guaranteed to be sample-accurately synced with your audio, and free of the jitter often associated with computer-generated MIDI.
The USAMO will launch at NAMM in January 2015.
ESX-8MD mk2 announced
Whereas the original ESX-8MD was sometimes incompatible with certain MIDI devices when running at a 44.1kHz sample rate, the mk2 is guaranteed to operate with all MIDI devices, at all sample rates.
The ESX-8MD mk2 is expected to be available in December 2014. Pricing unchanged.
New module: the disting
The disting is a 16-in-1 multifunction module, offering a variety of CV and audio processes, including a selection of oscillators
(LFOs/VCOs), in a compact 4HP package.
Unlike all previous Expert Sleepers modules, the disting is in no way reliant on a computer connection - it's a normal, standalone module.
Available now from all the usual stores.
New module: ESX-8MD
The ESX-8MD is an expansion module for the ES-4, ES-40 or ES-5, adding eight MIDI/DINsync outputs from one expansion header.
The ES-4/5 Controller software (part of Expert Sleepers Silent Way) allows the ESX-8MD outputs to be used for MIDI output (note - not just MIDI clock output, but as an actual MIDI port, capable of sending any MIDI messages). Since these outputs are driven from an audio connection, they have sample-accurate timing, which no USB MIDI interface can claim.
The Silent Way Sync plug-in would typically be used to send DINsync to the ESX-8MD, though any software capable of addressing the ES-4/5's expansion headers, via Silent Way or the Max/MSP external, can send clock pulses to it.
See the ‘where to buy’ page for purchasing information.
New modules: ES-40, ESX-8CV and ESX-8GT mk2

We’ve just released three new modules:
* The ES-40 SPDIF Interface (£94.80) converts a standard S/PDIF input to five channels of expansion headers, which are used in conjunction with the Expert Sleepers ESX range of expanders.
* The ESX-8CV CV Expander (£130.80) is an expansion module for the ES-4, ES-40 or ES-5, adding eight CV outputs from one expansion header.
* The ESX-8GT mk2 Gate Expander (£54) is an expansion module for the ES-4, ES-40 or ES-5, adding 8 on/off outputs for use as gates, triggers, clocks etc. from one expansion header.
All are available immediately.
Expert Sleepers ESX-8CV & the Silent Way Voice Controller on Vimeo.
Expert Sleepers ES-40/ESX-8CV/ESX-8GT demo on Vimeo.
We’ve also announced the forthcoming ESX-8MD MIDI/DINsync Expander, expected to be available in the next couple of months.

Announcing the ES-3 mk3
The ES-3 is now at mk3. Functionally equivalent to the ES-3 mk2, the mk3 adds these improvements:
* Higher spec DACs and lower noise circuitry
* Easier access to the expansion headers
* More robust ADAT port
* More visible LEDs
Pricing is unchanged.
New modules - ES-6 & ES-7
The ES-6 is the counterpart to the ES-3 Lightpipe/CV Interface, offering up to 8 channels of CV input with output via an optical lightpipe connection.
The ES-7 provides two channels of DC-coupled CV input to a connected ES-4 or ES-6 module.
Both are available now.
'Floating ring' cables now available
Buy direct here, or soon from your local reseller.

Coming soon - ES-6 & ES-7 modules
Glow-in-the-dark patch cables now available
MIDI & DINsync adaptor cables now available
Announcing the ESX-4CV module
ES-5 "ES-3 Expander" module now available
Announcing the ES-5 "ES-3 Expander"
It piggybacks on one of the ES-3's stereo channels to provide eight gate/clock/sync/MIDI outputs on the ES-5 itself, plus further expansion headers to connect up to five ES-4 Gate Expanders.
Expected to be available late March 2012.
Announcing the ES-3 mk2
The ES-3 mk2 is identical in every way to the original ES-3, except for the addition of a couple of expansion headers on one of the PCBs. What will these connect to? Expect some announcements soon.
The ES-3 mk2 will be available from all the usual sources just as soon as we can ship them out, with a choice of black aluminium or black acrylic panels.
ES-4 now available
The first release of the Silent Way ES-4 Controller plug-in is also now available from the downloads page.

ES-2-2 back in stock / new stock at SchneidersBuero

DINsync from the ES-4
DIN sync from the ES-4 from Andrew Ostler on Vimeo.
This video shows how the Expert Sleepers ES-4 SPDIF/CV module can also be used to send DIN sync, via a simple cable adaptor and using features of Expert Sleepers' Silent Way software.
Because the DIN sync is being sent via an audio interface, it is sample-accurate with the audio.
MIDI from the ES-4
This video shows how the Expert Sleepers ES-4 SPDIF/CV module can also be used to send MIDI, via a simple cable adaptor and using features of Expert Sleepers' Silent Way software.
Because the MIDI is being sent via an audio interface, it is sample-accurate with the audio and free from the timing jitter normally associated with USB MIDI interfaces.
ES-3 back in stock - new orange aluminium version
A new panel option is now available - orange aluminium, to match the ES-1 and ES-2-2 orange aluminium designs.
More ES-4 details - Gate Expander announced
Preliminary ES-4 details announced
ES-3s now available
Coming soon - the ES-3 Lightpipe/CV Interface
The ES-3 is a Eurorack format module which converts eight channels of ADAT Lightpipe input to DC coupled outputs on 3.5mm jacks, for the ultimate convenience in connection of a DAW directly to analogue synthesizers.
The outputs can be used as control voltages (CVs), for example with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way, and can also be used as audio outputs at high, modular synth-compatible levels.
With the ES-3, a single optical cable is all that is need to bring direct CV control from your DAW right into the heart of a modular system.
The ES-3 is expected to be available from February 2011. Pricing TBD.

ES-1 aluminium panels

ES-2-2 module now available
For more detailed information, please see the ES-2 page.The Expert Sleepers ES-2 CV/Audio Interface is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It takes as inputs CVs from your analogue synths/effects on 3.5mm jacks, and outputs audio signals on 1/4" jacks which you connect to your computer audio interface. You then use the Silent Way CV Input plug-in to interpret the audio signal and output CVs in your DAW for recording, processing etc.
New module coming soon - the ES-2
The ES-2 is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It takes as inputs CVs from your analogue synths/effects on 3.5mm jacks, and outputs audio signals on 1/4" jacks which you connect to your computer audio interface. You then use the Silent Way CV Input plug-in to interpret the audio signal and output CVs in your DAW for recording, processing etc.

Expert Sleepers ES-1 module announced
We’re proud to announce details of the first Expert Sleepers hardware product - the ES-1 Audio/CV Interface.
The Expert Sleepers ES-1 Audio/CV Interface is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It connects to an audio interface using standard 1/4" jack (balanced or unbalanced) or DB25 (aka DSub) connectors, and outputs CVs to your analogue synths/effects on standard 3.5mm jacks. When used with the Silent Way AC Encoder software, there is no requirement for the audio interface to be DC-coupled.
The ES-1 offers the following advantages over directly connecting an audio interface to analogue gear for CV control:
* No requirement for the interface to be DC-coupled.
* No need for special cables (e.g. TRS to TS 'floating ring' cables).
* No danger of damage to the interface - the ES-1's inputs are completely standard balanced audio inputs.
* Much greater output voltage range - up to 9x more than directly connecting a DC-coupled interface via a 'floating ring' cable.
For more details, please see the ES-1 page.