Archives for 2010 | Expert Sleepers - News

ES-2-2 now in stock at Analogue Haven

Analogue Haven now have stock of the ES-2-2 module. Their page for it is here.

Pricing is $99.

ES-2-2 and CV To MIDI video

CV To MIDI with the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 from Andrew Ostler on Vimeo.

Expert Sleepers modules now in stock at

The ES-1 and ES-2-2 modules are now in stock at

ES-2-2 module now available

We’re proud to announce that the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 CV/Audio Interface module is now shipping.

IMG_0077 copyIMG_0078 copy

The Expert Sleepers ES-2 CV/Audio Interface is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It takes as inputs CVs from your analogue synths/effects on 3.5mm jacks, and outputs audio signals on 1/4" jacks which you connect to your computer audio interface. You then use the Silent Way CV Input plug-in to interpret the audio signal and output CVs in your DAW for recording, processing etc.

For more detailed information, please see the ES-2 page.

Silent Way v1.6.4 released

Silent Way v1.6.4 is released.

This release adds support for the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 module to the Silent Way CV Input plug-in.

Also added is a 6 channel variant of the Silent Way AC Encoder VST plug-in, for convenience of use in Cubase where a 6 channel bus is being used for the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in.

Download now from the downloads page.

Augustus Loop features in Warp's Brian Eno interview

Not an explicit mention, but you can see the Augustus Loop plug-in GUI on Brian’s screen right at the start of the video.

ES-1s now in stock at Analogue Haven

Analogue Haven now have stock of the ES-1 module. Their page for it is here.

Pricing is $195 for the DB25 version and $215 for the Jack version.

ES-1s are back in stock

The ES-1 module is back in stock.

Customers not in the USA can now order directly from the ES-1 page.

US distribution is handled exclusively by Analogue Haven, who will have stock very soon.

New module coming soon - the ES-2

A new Expert Sleepers hardware product is coming soon - the ES-2 CV/Audio Interface. Watch this space for more details.

The ES-2 is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It takes as inputs CVs from your analogue synths/effects on 3.5mm jacks, and outputs audio signals on 1/4" jacks which you connect to your computer audio interface. You then use the Silent Way CV Input plug-in to interpret the audio signal and output CVs in your DAW for recording, processing etc.

Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 prototype

Modding an ES-1 with LEDs

We’ve posted a Flickr set showing step-by-step instructions on how to modify an ES-1 module with per-channel LEDs.

The set is here: ES-1 LED mod


ES-1s sold out - more October

The ES-1 module is currently sold out. More stock is expected mid-October.

More Silent Way user videos

YouTube user noisythang has posted three videos showing Silent Way and the ES-1 module controlling various Moogerfooger pedals, and the Metasonix R-54 module.

Silent Way v1.6.3 released

Silent Way v1.6.3 is released. Only the Windows VST versions are updated.

This update fixes a problem some users were encountering where only one plug-in’s UI would work when multiple plug-ins were opened at the same time.

Download now from the downloads page.

ES-1 coming soon to Analogue Haven

The ES-1 module will soon be available (in limited quantities initially) from Analogue Haven.

All-EMS VCS3 track using Silent Way

Scot Solida posted this track, made entirely with Silent Way controlling an EMS VCS3:

EMS VCS 3 tune

Silent Way is a freakin' miracle. Thanks to Expert Sleepers, even something as cantankerous as my old EMS VCS3 can be called into duty for something more than simulating cosmic flatulence.

Eight tracks of nuthin' but VCS3 (and a delay), recorded in Logic, using the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in to keep the old feller in tune. Sure, there are some cosmic flatulence patches, but they give way to Berlin-school sequencery and an utterly masturbatory lead (forgive the indulgence. It's not every day that I can play the thing in perfect tune for this long without the oscillators getting into an argument with one another!)

It's an improv exercise, but if you like old Mark Shreeve or Wavestar, you might find it entertaining. I am just blown away by the fact that Silent Way can tame the old thing.

ES-1 modules in stock

We have a small amount of stock of our ES-1 module. Please contact us to place an order. Pricing details on the ES-1 page.

Minky Starshine v1.0.12 released

Minky Starshine v1.0.12 is released. Only the AU version is updated.

This release fixes a problem where the plug-in would not respond to MIDI CC messages.

Download now from the downloads page.

Augustus Loop v2.3.1 released

Augustus Loop v2.3.1 is released. Only the Windows VST version is updated.

* Fixed an issue with the Prefs button.
* Fixed an issue where knobs would not work correctly if the mouse was dragged off the top of the plug-in window.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way gets a high profile user

What can I say but... w00t.

More ES-1 modules now shipping

The new batch of ES-1 modules is now shipping to customers who placed pre-orders.

To pre-order, please add your name to this thread.

New Silent Way tutorial for Digital Performer

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Digital Performer.

New Silent Way tutorial for Logic Pro

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Logic Pro.

Silent Way v1.6.2 released

Silent Way v1.6.2 is released. This update adds multipliers the Silent Way Voice Controller’s envelopes, allowing for very long or very short envelope times.

Download now from the downloads page.

New Silent Way tutorial for Ableton Live

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Ableton Live.

New Silent Way tutorial for Cubase

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Cubase.

Augustus Loop v2.3.0 released - 64 bit Mac VST

We’re proud to announce the release of Augustus Loop v2.3.0.

The headline here is that this is our first 64 bit Mac OS X VST, and so is usable without a ‘bridge’ in apps such as the 64 bit version of Reaper, and will be usable in any forthcoming 64 bit Mac release of Cubase.

The AU and Windows VST versions are also updated. Full change list:

* First 64 bit Mac OS X VST release.
* Improved handling of mouse events (dragging knobs would temporarily freeze the host UI on some platforms).
* Improved accuracy of MIDI event handling.

Download now from the downloads page.

Expert Sleepers Summer Sale 2010

Announcing the Expert Sleepers Summer Sale 2010!

From now until the end of August, we’re offering upgrades at half price. So now’s a great time to get your plug-ins updated to the latest and greatest.

The upgrades affected are:
* Augustus Loop v2.x upgrade from v1.0-v1.4: now $15
* Augustus Loop v2.x upgrade from v1.5-v1.8: now $10
* Crossfade Loop Synth v3.x upgrade from v2.x: now $19

When upgrading, be sure to grab the latest Licence Manager from the downloads page.

Spectral Conquest v1.0.1 released

Spectral Conquest v1.0.1 is released. Changes in this version:

- Improvements to the interactive painting of dense spectral data.
- (VST versions) Fixed issues with slow GUI updates when running scripts or painting spectral data.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.6.1 released

Silent Way v1.6.1 is released. This update increases the maximum range of the Silent Way Voice Controller’s pitch bend function.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way gets 10/10 in Computer Music

Slightly old news, but it turns out Silent Way was reviewed in issue 147 (January 2010) of Computer Music.

It got a score of 10/10.

Some extracts:

“It works beautifully. We tried it with a Minimoog, modular, Odyssey, Roland SH-101 and even the notoriously cantankerous EMS VCS3. Silent Way was able to get each one to play nicely for at least three octaves.”
“For us, Silent Way is a no-brainer. It’s considerably cheaper than the competition and Expert Sleepers are constantly updating it. It’s a truly brilliant solution to an age old problem and one that might make you reevaluate the practicalities of owning a vintage synth.”

First ES-1 modules sold out - more coming

The first batch of ES-1 modules is now sold out.

More will be available from around August 9th 2010. To pre-order, please add your name to this thread.

Crossfade Loop Synth v3.1.2 (Windows) released

The Windows VST version of Crossfade Loop Synth has been updated to v3.1.2. This simply brings it up to date with the Mac OS X releases, already on v3.1.2.

Download now from the downloads page.

Some example Spectral Conquest scripts

I posted a couple of example scripts for Spectral Conquest on the forum here - a filter with LFO, and a ‘Freeze’ script.

Spectral Conquest v1.0.0 released - new plug-in

We’re proud to announce the release of a new plug-in - Spectral Conquest v1.0.0.

Spectral Conquest is an effect plug-in that lets you directly manipulate the frequency spectrum of audio signals.

The incoming signal is analysed via a FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), resulting in the familiar spectrum plot where the full audio spectrum is split into a number of narrow frequency bands. The outgoing audio is then regenerated by an Inverse FFT. The interesting bit is that the plug-in lets you modify the frequency spectrum in between.

Spectral Conquest allows you to modify the spectrum in two ways:
  • By setting a multiplier for each frequency band. You can simply draw out the multipliers in the GUI.
  • By applying a script to the spectrum. Some basic scripts are included with the plug-in to perform operations such as filtering and gating, but you can also write scripts yourself to do whatever you like.

Available immediately for Mac OS X (AU, VST) and Windows (VST), priced at $29.

Spectral Conquest is also available as part of the Ultimate Bundle (now priced at $155) and the Creative Effects Bundle (now priced at $55).

Silent Way v1.6.0 released

Silent Way v1.6.0 is released.

Changes in this release:
- Added support for musical scales to Silent Way Quantizer.
- Changed all the plug-in names (that appear in host UIs) from “Silent Way ...” to “SW ...”, so that more of the actual name is visible when space is limited.
- Fixed a GUI issue in Reaper on Windows.

Download now from the downloads page.

Augustus Loop v2.2.2 released

Augustus Loop v2.2.2 is released.

Issues addressed in this release:
- Fixed GUI issue in Reaper on Windows.
- Added new OSC command (registerOSCPathForFunction).
- Fixed a keypress issue in certain VST hosts (plug-in would respond to numeric input but not to pressing Return).

Download now from the downloads page.

Video: CV Generator iPhone app and EMS Synthi

This video just posted by ‘waveshaper’ shows the Expert Sleepers CV Generator iPhone app controlling an EMS Synthi.

ES-1 modules now shipping

The first batch of ES-1 modules is currently being prepared for shipping.

As you’ll see here, there were far more pre-orders than actual units made. Expect another, larger production run soon.

Expert Sleepers ES-1 module announced

Expert Sleepers ES-1 interface module

We’re proud to announce details of the first Expert Sleepers hardware product - the ES-1 Audio/CV Interface.

The Expert Sleepers ES-1 Audio/CV Interface is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It connects to an audio interface using standard 1/4" jack (balanced or unbalanced) or DB25 (aka DSub) connectors, and outputs CVs to your analogue synths/effects on standard 3.5mm jacks. When used with the Silent Way AC Encoder software, there is no requirement for the audio interface to be DC-coupled.

The ES-1 offers the following advantages over directly connecting an audio interface to analogue gear for CV control:

* No requirement for the interface to be DC-coupled.
* No need for special cables (e.g. TRS to TS 'floating ring' cables).
* No danger of damage to the interface - the ES-1's inputs are completely standard balanced audio inputs.
* Much greater output voltage range - up to 9x more than directly connecting a DC-coupled interface via a 'floating ring' cable.

For more details, please see the ES-1 page.

Silent Way hardware update

The previously mentioned Silent Way hardware is progressing well. Here are a couple of photos - you can see more on the Flickr set.

Read more on the forum here.

Expert Sleepers ES-1 interface module Expert Sleepers ES-1 interface module

CV Generator iPhone app now available

CV Generator is now available from the App Store, here.

Tiptop Z8000 as oscillator

This video by wetterberg shows Silent Way controlling a Tiptop Audio Z8000 Matrix Sequencer and using it as an oscillator.

This is a pretty unconventional usage but it proves the point that as long as the Silent Way Voice Controller can send out a CV and get a waveform back, it can calibrate it, and doesn’t really care how that waveform was generated or controlled by the CV.

More details are here.

Video from Silent Way user: SH-101, Dark Energy

phono1337’ has posted a video on YouTube showing his Silent Way setup. Other gear in the video includes:
- Roland SH-101
- Dopefer A-111-5 (Dark Energy)
- Dopefer A-137-2 Wave multiplier II
- Roland MC-202

The first Expert Sleepers iPhone app

We’re happy to report that the first ever Expert Sleepers iPhone app has been submitted to the App Store, and is awaiting approval.

The app is part of the Silent Way family, and is called the CV Generator. Read all about it here.

Silent Way AC Encoder active circuit prototype

Please see this forum thread for news of a prototype active circuit for use with Silent Way AC Encoder.

Silent Way v1.5.5 released

Silent Way v1.5.5 is released. This update extends the range of the Silent Way LFO’s Beat Divisor parameter down to 1/128th notes. This addresses a problem with setting up the VST versions of the plug-in to output DIN Sync.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way reviewed in Sound On Sound

Silent Way has received a glowing review from Sound On Sound magazine, in the May 2010 issue.

“If you dream of controlling your analogue synths from within your DAW software, it may be that your audio interface will let you do just that — with a little help from this plug-in suite.”
“My time with Silent Way was quite a liberating experience.”
“Voice Controller is the star of the show for me. Slick and self-contained, this has the effect of pulling a much-loved analogue synth into the heart of your DAW, with a level of control that is usually the reserve of a virtual instrument.”
“Silent Way is a genuine alternative to a MIDI-to-CV interface, and capable of a greater level of sophistication.”

You can read the full review here.

Silent Way v1.5.4 released

Silent Way v1.5.4 is released. This update fixes a bug in the Silent Way Quantizer plug-in that could cause the quantized note name to be displayed incorrectly when in ‘Calibrated’ mode.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way AC Encoder video

Silent Way CV Input and CV To OSC video

Flamed Raw: Modular Synth Controlling KYMA from bar|none on Vimeo.

Silent Way AC Encoder breakout box

I’ve made a small interfacing module for use with Silent Way AC Encoder, to show how good it can look and how simple it can be to build.

Custom acrylic panel by ProModular. More photos on Flickr here.

Silent Way AC Encoder breakout box
Silent Way AC Encoder breakout box, rear detail

Silent Way v1.5.3 released

Silent Way v1.5.3 is released. This update adds a VSTi configuration of the Mac OS X and Windows VST versions of the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in, so the plug-in can now be used either as an instrument or as an effect.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.5.2 released - adds AC Encoder plug-in

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.5.2, which adds an important new plug-in to the suite - Silent Way AC Encoder.

Silent Way AC Encoder removes the need for a DC coupled audio interface and lets you use Silent Way with almost any audio interface. The two requirements are

* your interface must have balanced outputs (almost all do).
* you need to make some special cables.

The cables are a very simple job, well within the scope of anyone with basic soldering skills.

Please see this page for more details.

Download now from the downloads page.

Latency Fixer v1.0.3 released - 64 bit AU, plus VST versions

Latency Fixer v1.0.3 is released.

The AU version is now a 32/64 bit Intel-only build for OS X 10.5 and above.

Mac OS X and Windows VST versions are also now available - previously the plug-in was AU-only.

Download now from the downloads page.

Oomingmak v1.1.0 released - 64 bit AU

Oomingmak v1.1.0 is released. This is a 32/64 bit Intel-only release. Only the AU version is updated. There are no other changes, so unless you need the 64 bit functionality, you do not need this update.

Download now from the downloads page.

Microtonal tuning scripts updated

The microtonal tuning scripts for use with Silent Way Voice Controller have been updated to support Python 2.5 (the version that ships pre-installed with Mac OS X 10.5) as well as 2.6.

Video/tutorial: Silent Way and Numerology

The wonderful Five12 have posted a tutorial on using Silent Way in their application Numerology.

The tutorial is here. An excerpt follows:

This video shows how to use Expert Sleeper's Silent Way Voice Controller with Numerology. The Silent Way group of plugins allows you to use a "DC capable" audio interface as a CV control source for analog synthesizers. There are a number of advantages to this approach:

  • Easy, reliable oscillator calibration for better tuning overall.

  • When generating CV values for automation, you are no longer limited to the 127 steps of MIDI CC messages. This allows you to generate very smooth and accurate control values.

  • You do not have to worry about "saturating" a hardware MIDI interface by sending it too many messages at once.

As of version 2.2, Numerology provides integrated support for Silent Way by including direct hardware audio input and output routing in the module. This makes setup very quick, as you don't have to create separate I/O channels to route audio around, as you do in some other hosts.

Using Numerology with Silent Way VC from Five12 on Vimeo.

Video shows Silent Way with MOTM/homebrew synth

Adam Schabtach (of plug-in developers Audio Damage) has posted a great video showing Silent Way in use with his modular synth. Synth modules in the video are an MOTM-300 VCO, an MOTM-440 four-pole LPF (both by Synthesis Technology), a CGS Wave Multiplier, and a custom-built VCA.

Also of interest in this video is the audio interface, which is a Frontier Design Tango modified by Adam himself for DC-coupled operation. He’s documented the mod here.

Augustus Loop v2.2.1 (AU) released

Augustus Loop v2.2.1 is released. This is a bugfix release addressing some issues with the previous version (v2.2.0). As before, this is a 32/64 bit Intel only release for OS X 10.5 and above, so you only need this update if you specifically need the 64 bit functionality.

Issues addressed in this release:
- Fixed compatibility with OS X 10.5.
- Worked around a bug in Digital Performer 7.1 which would cause a crash when the plug-in prefs dialog was used.
- Generally improved stability of the Cocoa UI.

Download now from the downloads page.

Minky Starshine v1.0.11 (VST) released

Minky Starshine v1.0.11 is released. Only the VST versions are updated.

This release fixes an issue where Ableton Live 8 would not recognise parameter adjustments, resulting in an inability to add Minky Starshine’s parameters to Live’s automated parameter list.

Download now from the downloads page.

Augustus Loop v2.2.0 released - 64 bit AU

We’re proud to announce the release of Augustus Loop v2.2.0.

This is a milestone for Expert Sleepers as it’s our first 64 bit release. Specifically it’s a 32/64 bit Intel Audio Unit, and so can be used in native 64 bit mode in Logic 9 and Mainstage 2.1 when those hosts are running as 64 bit applications.

From now on we anticipate that all our Mac releases will be Intel only, will support 64 bit use, and will require Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6.

There are no new features in Augustus Loop v2.2.0 other than the availability of a 64 bit variant. If you’re not using 64 bit hosts, there’s no reason to take this update.

If you are though, download the update now from the downloads page.

Update: there appears to be a problem with this version’s GUI and Digital Performer. Please use v2.1.2 with Digital Performer (which is 32 bit, so there’s no reason to use this 64 bit build anyway).

Update: MOTU have confirmed this problem in DP 7.1.

Update: there is also a problem with this version and OS X 10.5. A fix is being worked on.

Logic 9.1 64 bit compatibility

Good news - all Expert Sleepers plug-ins appear to work fine under Logic 9.1’s 32 bit Audio Unit Bridge, when running Logic in 64 bit mode.

The one slight oddity is when clicking on text boxes in order to type values into the GUIs. Normally this requires a single click to activate the text field (at which point it goes green) - when running under the 32 bit bridge, it requires a double click. Other than that, everything works normally.

If you experience any oddness when using the 32 bit bridge, let us know.

Scripts for microtonal tuning with Silent Way

One of the new features of Silent Way v1.5.1 is the ability to load and save calibration data from the Voice Controller. By processing this data, it is easy to retune the Voice Controller to generate arbitrary scales instead of the standard equal tempered scale.

We’ve written some scripts to do this. More details here.

Silent Way v1.5.1 released - adds Quantizer and CV To MIDI plug-ins

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.5.1, which adds two new plug-ins to the suite - Silent Way Quantizer and Silent Way CV To MIDI.

Silent Way Quantizer is a CV processing plug-in that constrains the incoming (continuous) CVs to a number of discrete values. For example, it can constrain a pitch CV to exact semitone values. This is especially useful when combined with the Step LFO plug-in in order to accurately sequence musical notes, but it can also be used with e.g. the regular LFO plug-in, or with the Voice Controller plug-in to turn portamentos into discrete glissandos.
The Quantizer plug-in is capable of loading the calibration data from the Voice Controller plug-in, in order to output accurately calibrated pitches.

Silent Way CV To MIDI translates CV signals (such as those produced by Silent Way CV Input, for example) into MIDI messages. These can in turn be used to control all sorts of software and hardware devices. Used in conjunction with, say, Silent Way LFO, the CV To MIDI plug-in provides a standalone means of generating MIDI LFOs, giving Silent Way an application to musicians who have no analogue gear at all.

Other changes in v1.5.1:
* Added ‘Random Tuning’ feature to Silent Way Voice Controller.
* Added ability to save and load calibration data to Silent Way Voice Controller.

Download now from the downloads page.

Analogue Bundle available

In addition to the previously mentioned bundles, the ‘Analogue Bundle’ is now available from the store.

The Analogue Bundle combines the analogue synth controller Silent Way with two analogue-sounding delays, Augustus Loop and Little Spacey.

The bundle is priced at $90, saving $37 on the price of the plug-ins bought separately.

A summary of all the currently available bundles and pricing is here.

Minky Starshine v1.0.10 (Windows VST) released

Minky Starshine v1.0.10 is released. Only the Windows VST version is updated.

This release fixes a possible crash when opening the plug-in GUI on some low end graphics hardware.

Download now from the downloads page.

Little Spacey v1.0.2 (Windows VST) released

Little Spacey v1.0.2 is released. Only the Windows VST version is updated.

This release fixes a possible crash when opening the plug-in GUI on some low end graphics hardware.

Download now from the downloads page.

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