Special CD Offer

We're offering all Expert Sleepers users (past, present and near future) the opportunity to buy the CD at the massively discounted price of £4.99 (UK & EU)/£5.99 (rest of the world), including p&p. Those prices are UK pounds - the once-again strong dollar makes this particularly cheap for our USA-based customers.
Read more about the band and the album at the Darkroom site: www.darkroomtheband.net
If you'd like to pay full price for the album (which of course would be fantastic for all concerned), go here or buy from your download retailer of choice (e.g. iTunes).
To take advantage of this limited-time offer, send payment via PayPal to payments@expert-sleepers.co.uk, including enough information for us to validate you as an Expert Sleepers customer (i.e. your serial number, order number, or the email address you used when purchasing) and of course your mailing address.
UPDATE: This offer has expired.
MidiNull v1.0.0 released
Augustus Loop v2 now released - skinning competition extended
Read the what's new page here, and download it from the downloads page. Remember you'll need a new licence manager too.
With regard to the skinning competition - in retrospect it wasn't reasonable to ask people to make skins using the beta release, so I'm extending the submission deadline until November 24th. Get going on those skins!
The good news is - they all work fine.
Some notes on the skinning competition
- I expect people to send me fully constructed skin bundles (like the examples). However I'm willing to accept just a pair of images that replace the images from the default skin, which can be combined with the default gui.lua script.
- The maximum size of the GUI is 1024x512 pixels.
- The background image doesn't have to be a small tile, as it is in the default GUI. It can be a single image that spans the entire GUI. Remember though that you need to round up your image to the next power of 2 size (e.g. if your GUI is 400x250 pixels, a background image would need to be 512x256 pixels).
Augustus Loop v2.0.0 beta (Windows VST) released
You can download the Windows version (and an updated manual) here:
- plug-in (VST)
- user manual (pdf)
Augustus Loop Skinning Competition!
Email your entries using the Contact Us link below.
Closing date for entries is Monday 27th October 2008. Judge's decision is final. No cash alternatives.
Augustus Loop v2.0.0 beta (OS X) released
For new features in v2, see the what's new page.
You can download the beta here:
- plug-in (AU)
- plug-in (VST)
- user manual (pdf)
You can also download example skins and scripts for use with v2.
Please note that Augustus Loop v2 uses a new serial number from previous versions, so if you have a licence for v1.8 or earlier it won't work with v2, and the plug-in will operate in demo mode. It is not yet possible to purchase licences for v2.
Please post comments and feedback on the forum.
Darkroom - Some of These Numbers Mean Something

You can order the CD from Burning Shed, or buy the download from most online retailers e.g. iTunes.
From the press release:
Darkroom's new album - Some Of These Numbers Mean Something - is their 8th to date, and marks the 10th anniversary of their first (Daylight) released by 3rd Stone in 1998.
The original brief for the new album was: guitar under a microscope. In places it's the heaviest Darkroom album yet, but also the most accessible, combining 70s space rock, 80s Sheffield electronica, 60s guitar instrumentals and 90s post rock.
Mixing classic synthesizer & guitar tones with contemporary post-production, this album combines improvisation with carefully crafted and layered arrangement, and rewards repeated listening.
From Santana & Tangerine Dream to Cocteau Twins & Tortoise: file under ambient stadium rock.
Mystery visitors
Can anyone enlighten me? What was published on September 23 that referenced Expert Sleepers? Post a comment on the blog, or email me, if you know.
Augustus Loop v2 approaching completion
Stay tuned for a probably public beta of AL2 sometime soon.
Brian Eno on Expert Sleepers
Instruments that sound good inspire better music, and it's a struggle to make music with bad-sounding instruments, irrespective of how talented you might be. Software instruments are no different: although they are usually discussed and sold in terms of their 'features' what really makes you return to an instrument repeatedly is the much more elusive factor of inspirational sound quality.
I don't know enough about programming to understand why some software tools fascinate you while others make you want to get another job, but I do know that when I use anything by ES I get excited by what I'm hearing. These tools have the sonic richness of great analogue instruments - with the features of innovative digital ones.
- Brian Eno
OSC coming to Expert Sleepers plug-ins
The plan is to roll this out to the entire plug-in range eventually. If you need OSC in your favourite plug-in sooner rather than later, let us know!Open Sound Control (OSC) is a protocol for communication among computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is optimized for modern networking technology. Bringing the benefits of modern networking technology to the world of electronic musical instruments, OSC's advantages include interoperability, accuracy, flexibility, and enhanced organization and documentation.
I'd like to acknowledge Ross Bencina for making available the open source library oscpack, which has made it much easier than it could've been to get OSC up and running in Augustus Loop. Thanks Ross!
Augustus Loop planning
One new feature that I'm very excited about is a whole new implementation of the Freeze Loop function, which IMHO has never quite lived up to expectations. I have that working already and it's awesome. Really.
I'll also use this message to announce that I'll be putting the price up a bit, mainly because v2.0 is a major upgrade, but also because of the continued weakness of the dollar against the pound (my prices are fixed in $ but I live in the UK so I receive the money in £). However my current plan is to continue my policy of making the upgrade price simply the same as the difference in prices of the two versions, so nobody buying the plug-in shortly before the new version is released will lose out. To put it another way - don't wait for the new version! Buy it now! Now!
Taking the Leopard plunge
Even better, Augustus Loop appears to have built without too much trouble and (from a brief test) appears to run fine in Ableton Live.
So hurrah! Onwards and upwards.
Augustus Loop v1.9 beta expired
Augustus Loop v1.8.1 (AU) released
- Fixed a problem where Augustus Loop's GUI would stop Logic's Key Commands from working.
- Fixed an issue which could cause Apple’s AU validation tool (as used by Logic) to run very slowly when validating Augustus Loop on OS X Leopard.
Augustus Loop v1.9.0 beta 1 released (AU only)
- Augustus Loop’s GUI is now fully skinnable and scriptable.
- MIDI behaviour is now scriptable.
- Added Record Offset feature, which helps with latency problems in live situations (see this thread).
- Fixed an issue which could cause Apple’s AU validation tool (as used by Logic) to run very slowly when validating Augustus Loop on OS X Leopard.
Please post comments and feedback on the forum.
Latency Fixer 1.0.2 released
Augustus Loop v1.8.0 released
* New 6-in 6-out configuration of the plug-in, allowing audio to be routed through external processing either side of the virtual tape.
* Fixed an issue that could cause a crash in Logic 8 when opening a song containing multiple instances of Augustus Loop with their GUIs open.
Clocker v1.0.0 Audio Unit released
Clocker v1.0.0 Mac OS X VST released
Crossfade Loop Synth v3.0.5 released - Windows VST
New plug-in: Clocker 1.0.0 released (Windows VST only)
(Though I'm afraid it's Windows-only right now, sorry. Rest assured this is not the beginning of the end of Mac support from Expert Sleepers. It's just a quirky little thing someone asked me for and they wanted it on Windows. If I get enough (any at all!) requests for a Mac version, it'll follow eventually.)
To Leopard or not to Leopard?
Basically, I didn't, and I'm glad I didn't. It seems a lot of people are having severe problems with audio performance in 10.5.2. There are also problems with 10.4.11 (which I'm using) if you have the latest airport software installed (which I do), but fortunately turning off airport seems to fix it (well, perhaps 'fix' is being a bit generous - 'stop the audio problems at the expense of any wireless network connection' would be more accurate).
So, I'm waiting for 10.5.3. At least.
Meanwhile, I'm not getting any more reports of compatibility problems between Expert Sleepers plug-ins and Leopard, so it's looking pretty good on that front. Do let me know if your experience is less favourable.
Crossfade Loop Synth v3.0.5 beta released - Windows VST
You can download it here, and the manual is here.
Augustus Loop v1.7.3 released (Windows only)
Augustus Loop v1.7.2 released (OS X only)
Augustus Loop v1.7.1 released (OS X only)
See also this page.
Augustus Loop v1.7.0 released - Windows/OS X VST & AU
- First Windows version.
- First Mac OS X VST version.
- New GUI.
- Fixed various filter problems. In particular, the filter cutoff was being limited to about 2kHz - now the full range up to 8kHz is usable. Therefore, this version may sound different to previous versions at the same settings. A preferences setting is provided to revert to the previous behaviour, which may be useful if you have to re-visit an old mix after upgrading.
- Added ‘Tape Stop’ feature.
Augustus Loop v1.7.0 beta 2 (Mac VST) released
You can download it here.
Augustus Loop v1.7.0 beta 1 (AU) released
Other changes:
- The filter has been fixed. Previously the cutoff frequency was limited to about 2kHz, even though the knob goes up to 8kHz. Also it was possible to get nasty artefacts when using extreme filter LFO settings. Note: this does change the sound of the plug-in, if you were using cutoff frequencies above 2kHz. A global preferences setting to retain the old behaviour has been provided for people who need to use the new version to go back and revisit an old mix.
- A 'Tape Stop' button has been added. This is great for 'finger on the turntable' type effects.
Right now I'm very keen to hear from people who are experienced with previous versions of the plug-in, to find out if the new GUI has introduced any major issues.
You can download it here.
Expert Sleepers and Leopard
The current situation is this: all Expert Sleepers plug-ins are currently officially untested in Leopard. I have no reason to suppose that they won't work, but you never know. I've had a couple of reports of problems, but I get that all the time on all OSs (and the problems are almost always resolvable, and due to local installation issues). I've had more reports of the plug-ins working fine in Leopard.
So why officially untested? I've been waiting for Leopard to be a bit more stable before moving to it. It's a small operation here and I don't have the luxury of multiple Macs to test different configurations, and I need to keep my development machine stable at all costs. Based on the vibe on the web so far, I'm glad to have avoided 10.5.0 and 10.5.1.
Therefore, the current plan is to wait for 10.5.2 and then move over development (and therefore testing) to Leopard at that time.
If anyone is using Expert Sleepers stuff on Leopard, I'd love to hear of your experiences, positive or otherwise.
Blog now supports comments
Crossfade Loop Synth v3.0.4 and v2.1.6 released (VST only)
This version fixes a crash that could occur when loading a preset file in the host app with the Crossfade Loop Synth GUI hidden, as reported in this thread.
Welcome to the new Expert Sleepers website
As well as looking nicer, this one has an important new feature - a blog (with RSS feed) for news and product updates. If you use any Expert Sleepers plug-ins, I recommend subscribing.