ES-9 firmware 1.2 released

ES-9 firmware v1.2 is released. This version adds a number of new features mostly related to making the built-in mixer more flexible and powerful.

Download the new firmware here.

ES-9 firmware v1.1.1 released

ES-9 firmware v1.1.1 is released. This version adds separate configurations for 'hosted' and 'standalone' modes, making it much easier to swap between using the ES-9 with a computer and without (for example, to use it as a standalone mixer without a computer).

Download the new firmware here.

Videos from the ES-9 launch event

ES-9 now shipping

The new ES-9 is in stores now.

New module - ES-9 announced

We're delighted to announce a new Eurorack module - the ES-9.

The ES-9 is a Eurorack 16-in/16-out USB audio interface, with DC-coupled inputs and outputs that can be used for both audio and CVs.

With its balanced 1/4" main outputs & headphone socket, it's the perfect one-stop solution for integrating a modular synth and a laptop/tablet, either in the studio or when playing out at a gig.

Join us at Signal Sounds for a launch event on September 26th and at Synthfest UK on October 5th for a first public appearance. The module should be in stores early October.

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