Expert Sleepers Workshop at Rough Trade East

On June 1st Expert Sleepers conducted a workshop at the Schneidersladen Testsalon (in the Rough Trade East music store in East London).

We videoed it, but sadly this is a single static camera pointed at the presenter - no view of the modular or screencast from the laptop. Still, if you want a general spoken overview of the Expert Sleepers software and hardware, as a change from reading specs or reviews, you could do worse than watch some of this.

Part 1. Subjects covered include:
- Basic software usage with a DC-coupled interface.
- Use of the ES-3 for audio.
- Use of the Voice Controller plug-in with the ES-3 module.
- Silent Way LFO and Step LFO plug-ins.
- Silent Way Quantizer & calibration files.

Part 2. Subjects covered include:
- The expander modules (ES-5, ESX-8GT, ESX-4CV).
- Using the expanders to trigger drum modules.
- Silent Way Sync.
- The input modules (ES-6 & 7).
- Recording and processing CVs in the computer.
- Polyphony.
- Max/MSP externals.

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