Silent Way v2.11.0 released (macOS)

Silent Way v2.11.0 is released, including native support for Apple M1 computers.

Download the update (or demo) from here.

All plug-ins updated for macOS 12 Monterey

The macOS versions of all Expert Sleepers plug-ins (AU, VST and AAX) have been updated for compatibility with the recently-released macOS 12 "Monterey".

Download from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.9.0 released

Silent Way v2.9.0 is released, including support for MTS-ESP from ODDSound.

Download the update (or demo) from here.

Apple M1/Big Sur compatibility

All current Expert Sleepers plug-ins are supported and working on macOS 11 Big Sur, natively on Intel macs and under Rosetta on M1 macs.

We have started on native M1 builds. However the main limiting factor here is the lack of availability of a version of the PACE (iLok) tools with support for M1 builds. We anticipate that by the time the PACE tools are available, we will be ready with the native M1 plug-ins and will be able to release updates fairly swiftly.

All plug-ins updated for Logic 10.5 compatibility

The AU versions of all Expert Sleepers plug-ins have been updated for compatibility with the recently-released Logic 10.5.

Download from the downloads page.

Silent Way for VCV Rack released

Silent Way for VCV Rack is now available - a set of modules for integrating hardware synths with Rack's virtual world, based on key elements of our popular Silent Way plug-in suite.

It can be downloaded from the Rack plug-in manager in the usual way.

Silent Way v2.7.2 (macOS) released

Silent Way v2.7.2 is released (update for macOS only). This version fixes a display issue in the SW Learner plug-in on Retina displays.

Download now from the downloads page.

Down To The Wire presentation

On 11th April 2018, Os of Expert Sleepers travelled down to Elevator Sound (Bristol) to give a presentation, which is now available to watch online.

Nearly two hours of demos, covering Silent Way and various Expert Sleepers interfacing options, as well as the disting mk4 and General CV modules.

Silent Way v2.7.0 released

Silent Way v2.7.0 is released (all platforms and plug-in formats).

Changes in this version:
  • Added support for microtonal tunings via Scala files to SW Voice Controller.
  • Added an ‘Any Note’ parameter to SW Trigger.
  • VST3 versions now support all MIDI CCs (e.g. for SW Learner input, or for transmission as MIDI by SW ES-4 Controller).
  • Fixed a problem where the UI would freeze when closing the plug-in window under macOS 10.13 “High Sierra”.
  • Fixed the range of the ‘Input To Gates’ knobs in SW ES-5 Controller.

Download now from the downloads page.

Issues with macOS "High Sierra"

The most recent update to macOS 10.13 "High Sierra" appears to have introduced an issue which causes hangs when closing the UI of Expert Sleepers plug-ins. We are working around this and will update all the plug-ins soon. In the meantime there is a beta release of Silent Way to address this issue here.

Silent Way v2.6.2 released

Silent Way v2.6.2 is released (VST3 only). This fixes a crash when using the VST3 version in Bitwig Studio.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.6.1 released

Silent Way v2.6.1 is released (VST3 (macOS & Windows) and AAX (Windows) only).

Changes in this version:
• Fixed a crash when closing the plug-in UI window on Windows (AAX).
• Fixed a bug with automation of SW Step LFO parameters (VST3).
• VST3 plug-ins now expose the full 16 MIDI channels as expected.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.6.0 released

Silent Way v2.6.0 is released.

Changes in this version:
• A VST3 version (macOS and Windows) is now available.
• Added ‘Delay Start/Stop’ buttons to SW ES-4 Controller & SW ES-5 Controller (a workaround for an apparent issue with Ableton Live’s External Audio Effect).

Download now from the downloads page.

All macOS plug-ins & Licence Manager updated

All macOS plug-ins (AU, VST & AAX) and the Licence Manager have been updated for compatibility with macOS 10.12 'Sierra'.

The only changes are related to the licensing system. When updating to the new plug-in versions, you must also update, and run at least once, the Licence Manager.

The new versions are:

Licence Manager v1.3.0
Augustus Loop v2.4.6
Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.8
Little Spacey v1.1.3
Meringue v2.1.3
Minky Starshine v1.1.2
Oomingmak v1.1.4
Silent Way v2.5.5
Spectral Conquest v1.0.6
Warbler v1.2.2
USAMO 1.0.11

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.5.4 released

Silent Way v2.5.4 is released.

Changes in this version:
• Fixed crash when starting the DAW transport if the SW Step LFO Beats parameter was set to zero.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.5.3 (Windows VST) released

Silent Way v2.5.3 (Windows VST format only) is released.

Changes in this version:
• Fixed crash when closing the UI using the Windows ‘X’ button after adjusting plug-in parameters.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.5.1 released

Silent Way v2.5.1 (all platforms and formats) is released.

Changes in this version:
• Fixed UI behaviour in multiple monitor setups with a mix of Retina and non-Retina displays.
• Fixed MIDI output on Gates 6/1-6/8 in Silent Way ES-5 Controller.
• Enabled full support for the Expert Sleepers MIDI & OSC Lua scripting system.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.5.0 released

Silent Way v2.5.0 (all platforms and formats) is released.

New in this version:
• Added exponential envelope shapes to Silent Way Voice Controller and Silent Way Trigger.
• Added FSK (‘tape sync’) support to Silent Way Sync.
• Silent Way Learner now supports MIDI channel pressure (aftertouch).
• Fixed an issue with MIDI clock generation in Silent Way ES-4 and ES-5 Controllers.
• Fixed the behaviour of the Offset control in certain circumstances in Silent Way ES-4 and ES-5 Controllers, and Silent Way Sync.

Download now from the downloads page.

All Mac OS X plug-ins updated (again)

All Mac OS X versions of Expert Sleepers plug-ins have today been updated again. All have the same small fix applied for compatibility with some older OS X installs. The new versions are:
Augustus Loop v2.4.3
Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.6
Little Spacey v1.1.2
Meringue v2.1.2
Minky Starshine v1.1.1
Oomingmak v1.1.3
Silent Way v2.4.4
Spectral Conquest v1.0.4
Warbler v1.2.1

Download all the above from the downloads page.

All Mac OS X plug-ins updated

All Mac OS X versions of Expert Sleepers plug-ins have today been updated. This is primarily a maintenance update to allow an update to the Licence Manager, but there are new additions too.

The Licence Manager is updated to v1.1.0, with changes for compatibility with recent OS X releases. With this Licence Manager, please use the versions of the plug-ins listed below (or later). If you update any of your plug-ins to these new versions, please be sure to update all of them, and the Licence Manager. If you subsequently have activation issues, please work through the suggestions on the Licence Manager page before contacting us.

Silent Way is updated to v2.4.3. Changes in this version:
• Added support for MIDI output of Song Position Pointer.
• Added support for MIDI output of sysex data to the AAX version.
• Fixed a possible crash when using the OSC browse dialog in 64 bit hosts.
• Added ‘Match Note Offs’ feature to Silent Way ES-4 Controller and Silent Way ES-5 Controller.

Minky Starshine is updated to v1.1.0 and Warbler is updated to v1.2.0. These are the first 64 bit releases of these two plug-ins (happily bringing the full Expert Sleepers line to 64 bit; adding AAX compatibility for everything is next on the list).

The following releases are for Licence Manager compatibility only, and add no new features:
Augustus Loop v2.4.2
Crossfade Loop Synth v3.2.5
Little Spacey v1.1.1
Meringue v2.1.1
Oomingmak v1.1.2
Spectral Conquest v1.0.3

Download all the above from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.4.2 released

Silent Way v2.4.2 (all platforms and formats) is released.

New in this version:
• The ES-4 Controller now supports MIDI output at 192kHz.
• The ES-5 Controller now supports MIDI output at all sample rates, including when used with SMUX.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.4.1 (Mac OS X) released

Silent Way v2.4.1 (Mac OS X only) is released.

This update adds Retina-resolution rendering when the plug-ins are used in a compatible host (pretty much anything except 32 bit VST hosts).

Download now from the downloads page.

Click through to view this image in full resolution for a comparison:
Retina rendering in Silent Way 2.4.1

Silent Way v2.4.0 released

Silent Way v2.4.0 (all platforms and formats) is released.

New in this version:
• Added new Run modes and a periodic reset feature to Silent Way Sync.
• Added virtual MIDI input ports to Silent Way ES-4 Controller and ES-5 Controller.
• Added ‘Manual DAC’ feature to Silent Way Step LFO.
• The Audio Unit version now implements Apple’s newer Audio Component API, allowing usage in modern (post-OS X 10.6) hosts that do not support the older Component Manager API.
• Updated Silent Way Soundplane’s OSC support for the new t3d format in the Soundplane Client v1.0 and above.

SW Step LFO v2.4.0

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.3.0 released

Silent Way v2.3.0 (all platforms and formats) is released.

New in this version:
• Added Silent Way ESX-8CV Combiner.
• Added polyphonic MIDI splitting to Silent Way ES-4 Controller and Silent Way ES-5 Controller.
• Added ESX-8CV mode to Silent Way Voice Controller.
• Fixed a bug which was causing glitches in the paraphonic envelope outputs of Silent Way Voice Controller in poly master mode.

Download now from the downloads page.

Expert Sleepers workshop at London Modular

On December 7th Expert Sleepers conducted a workshop at the London Modular showroom.

We videoed it, but sadly this is a single static camera pointed at the presenter - no close-up view of the modular or screencast from the laptop. Still, if you want a general spoken overview of the Expert Sleepers software and hardware, as a change from reading specs or reviews, you could do worse than watch some of this.

Part 1 covers most aspects of the Silent Way software that do not specifically require Expert Sleepers hardware. A MOTU Ultralite audio interface is used to drive the modular for all the demos in this video.

Part 2 moves on to cover the Expert Sleepers hardware.

Silent Way v2.2.3 (Windows AAX) released

Silent Way v2.2.3 (Windows AAX) is released. This is the first Windows release compatible with Pro Tools 11 (also compatible with Pro Tools 10.3.6).

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.2.2 (Mac OS X AU & VST) released

Silent Way v2.2.2 (Mac OS X AU & VST) is released. This fixes an issue with some 64 bit hosts, notably Presonus Studio One.

Silent Way v2.2.1 (Mac OS X AAX) released

Silent Way v2.2.1 (Mac OS X AAX) is released. This is a 32 & 64 bit release compatible with ProTools 11, as well as maintaining compatibility with ProTools 10.3.6.

Silent Way Voice Controller Rack Extension released

The first Silent Way Rack Extension (and indeed, the first ever Expert Sleepers Rack Extension) is now released.

Silent Way Voice Controller allows you to control your analog synths directly from Reason, in conjunction with a DC-coupled audio interface or an Expert Sleepers hardware module. Think of it as a MIDI/CV converter on steroids - but one that is sample accurate, free of jitter, and which automatically calibrates for perfect tuning. The Voice Controller is the first element of the renowned Silent Way suite to become a Rack Extension. Look out for others joining it soon!

Available now from the Propellerheads Shop.

Silent Way Rack Extension coming soon

Silent Way Rack Extension Teaser on Vimeo.

Silent Way Voice Controller, part of the Silent Way plug-in suite, will soon be available as a Rack Extension for Propellerhead Reason.

Silent Way offers deep control over analog synthesizers direct from your DAW.

Expert Sleepers Workshop at Rough Trade East

On June 1st Expert Sleepers conducted a workshop at the Schneidersladen Testsalon (in the Rough Trade East music store in East London).

We videoed it, but sadly this is a single static camera pointed at the presenter - no view of the modular or screencast from the laptop. Still, if you want a general spoken overview of the Expert Sleepers software and hardware, as a change from reading specs or reviews, you could do worse than watch some of this.

Part 1. Subjects covered include:
- Basic software usage with a DC-coupled interface.
- Use of the ES-3 for audio.
- Use of the Voice Controller plug-in with the ES-3 module.
- Silent Way LFO and Step LFO plug-ins.
- Silent Way Quantizer & calibration files.

Part 2. Subjects covered include:
- The expander modules (ES-5, ESX-8GT, ESX-4CV).
- Using the expanders to trigger drum modules.
- Silent Way Sync.
- The input modules (ES-6 & 7).
- Recording and processing CVs in the computer.
- Polyphony.
- Max/MSP externals.

Silent Way now available as Windows AAX

Silent Way v2.2.0 is now available in AAX format for Windows (the AAX version for OS X was released last year).

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.2.0 released

Silent Way v2.2.0 is released. This is a free update for all owners of a v2 licence. Changes in this version:

• Added Silent Way Logic Project.
• Added controls for Interface Categories.
• Silent Way Step LFO can now be reset and/or triggered by MIDI notes and/or incoming CVs.
• Added ‘Gate Length’ control to Silent Way Step LFO.
• Added ‘Random’ feature to Silent Way Step LFO.
• Silent Way CV To MIDI, VST version, can now output MIDI direct to the host.
• Silent Way CV To MIDI can now output MIDI directly to Silent Way Learner.
• Silent Way Learner now supports MIDI polyphonic pressure messages.
• Added ‘SMUX Proof’ mode for Silent Way ESX-4CV Combiner.
• Fixed Silent Way Learner, VST and AU versions, to correctly output silence.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way Step LFO new features in v2.2.0 on Vimeo.

Silent Way v2 reviewed in Future Music

Silent Way v2 was awarded a 'Platinum Award' (their top honour) by Future Music Magazine, Issue 264 (April 2013).

If you're looking to control CV-equipped analogue hardware from the comfort of your DAW, we can't recommend it highly enough.

ES-7 CV To MIDI demo

Silent Way v2.1.0 released

Silent Way v2.1.0 is released. This is a free update for all owners of a v2 licence. Changes in this version:

* Added a new plug-in: Silent Way Function. SW Function applies simple mathematical operations to incoming CVs. It is intended to be particularly useful in conjunction with the forthcoming ES-6 and ES-7 modules.
* Added "Calibrated" mode to Silent Way Follower, allowing it to use calibration profiles generated in SW Voice Controller, for accurate pitch tracking from incoming audio to your analogue VCOs.
* Added "Transport2" sync mode to Silent Way LFO. Like the existing Transport mode, but stops when the host transport stops.
* Added a “Transfer” button to Silent Way Soundplane and Silent Way Follower, allowing one click transfer of a calibration from Voice Controller to another plug-in that uses is, without having to save the calibration to disk and load it back in.
* Added support for the Expert Sleepers ES-5 module to Silent Way Sync.
* Added sustain pedal support to Silent Way Voice Controller.
* Fixed a bug that would cause Silent Way Follower to lock up the host application.

Download now from the downloads page.

Two new Silent Way v2 reviews

Silent Way v2 has received two glowing reviews recently.

Computer Music magazine (issue CM186) gave Silent Way five out of five stars in their review:

It takes a lot to blow our minds, but Expert Sleepers has done it again. If you own a modular hardware synth and you don't have Silent Way, you simply aren't getting the most out of your hardware. It's one of the most spectacularly useful pieces of music software ever made.

Sound On Sound have published a very thorough review in their January 2013 issue:

The control voltages generated by the software are, however, sample-accurate, and I found the sense of ‘connection’ with my old synths tangibly better when playing them in real time using Silent Way, as opposed to through my MIDI interface and a MIDI-to-CV converter. A few recordings proved that the synths were much quicker to respond and more consistent in timing. I typically have to audio-quantise analogue bass sequences to get them as tight as I like, but those generated by Silent Way needed no quantisation to feel solidly nailed to the beat.

Silent Way AAX released (Mac OS X)

We’re proud to announce our first plug-in in Avid’s AAX format (for Pro Tools 10): Silent Way v2.0.3. Currently available for Mac OS X only, with the Windows version to follow early next year.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.0.2 released

Silent Way v2.0.2 is released (Windows only). Changes in this version:
- fixed blank UI problem in Cubase.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.0.1 released

Silent Way v2.0.1 is released. Changes in this version:
- fixed a problem that prevented use of the plug-in status bar (mute, presets etc.) in Cubase Mac OS X 32 bit.
- added the ability to skin the colours of the various graph elements in the UIs (e.g. envelope displays).

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.0.0 released

Silent Way v2.0.0 is released, the first major update to our best-selling plug-in suite for controlling analogue hardware. Changes and additions include:

• Added 5 new plug-ins: Silent Way ES-5 Controller, Silent Way ESX-4CV Combiner, Silent Way Follower, Silent Way Learner and Silent Way Soundplane.
• 64 bit support (OS X and Windows).
• New GUI look.
• Added skinning - fully customisable GUIs.
• Added MIDI learn for easy remote control from MIDI control surfaces.
• Added new OSC control features for trivial setup with popular OSC apps such as TouchOSC.
• All plug-ins are now installed in a single bundle (OS X)/dll (Windows).
• Numerous other small fixes and enhancements.

Please refer to the user manual for a fuller list of changes.

Pricing: Silent Way v2.0.0 is $59. An upgrade from v1.x is $20. Users who bought v1 in 2012 are entitled to a discounted upgrade price of $10 - contact Expert Sleepers with your serial number for a discount coupon.

Special Offer! For a limited time we’re also offering analogue-style delay plug-in Little Spacey for just $10 when purchased with a Silent Way v2 upgrade.

Download Silent Way v2 and Licence Manager 1.0.18 (required for upgrades) now from the downloads page.

Video: Silent Way Soundplane

Expert Sleepers Silent Way and Madrona Labs Soundplane on Vimeo.

Demo of using a Madrona Labs Soundplane instrument with Expert Sleepers Silent Way and a modular synthesizer.

Video: new OSC features in Silent Way v2

Silent Way v2 beta 5 OSC demo on Vimeo.

A demo of the new OSC features in Silent Way v2 beta 5.

Silent Way v1.7.3 released

Silent Way v1.7.3 is released. This version adds a workaround to the Silent Way Sync plug-in for a Logic Pro bug which could cause erratic clock output.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v2.0.0 beta released

We’re pleased to announce the availability of a public beta of Silent Way v2.0.0.

The headline changes for v2 are:
- 64 bit support (Windows and Mac OS X)
- new UI design
- skinnable UI

To encourage active participation and feedback, the beta process is being run via the Silent Way forum. Please see this thread for more info, and for download links.


ES-4 Controller v1.7.2 released

A new version of the Silent Way ES-4 Controller software is now available from the downloads page.

This version adds ‘Accents’ controls, allowing ES-4 Gate Expander outputs to operate in pairs: a normal trigger, and a velocity-switched accent trigger. This is extremely handy when triggering drum synths/modules with accent inputs (e.g. the TipTop Audio 808 range of modules, as in the video below).

Save 10% on Expert Sleepers with Pittsburgh Modular

We’re happy to announce a special offer in conjunction with Pittsburgh Modular to celebrate the release of their all-in-one modular ‘Foundation’ synth.

The Foundation is a fully modular, eurorack, analog synthesizer. A patchable system styled after the great monosynths of the past with no hardwired signal path or fixed voice architecture to restrict creativity. Driven by two wide range analog oscillators the Foundation produces a huge, warm sound that can't be matched by digital or VST synths. All of the elements of a classic voltage controlled synthesizer are available as an open, patchable, modern synth.

Each Foundation sold will include a coupon for 10% off all Expert Sleepers software, subject to Silent Way being included in the purchase.

Silent Way makes an excellent companion to the Foundation to provide everything from simple CV/gates for sequencing to complex LFOs to expand the range of modulations possible with this synth. To take things to their logical conclusion, swap out the Foundation’s MIDI/CV module with an Expert Sleepers ES-3 or ES-4 to provide even more control options.

ES-4 Controller v1.7.1 released

A new version of the Silent Way ES-4 Controller software is now available from the downloads page. Changes in this version:

* The behaviour of the MIDI clock output has been fixed when the host DAW’s transport is in cycle mode.
* A ‘Panic’ button has been added, to remedy any stuck MIDI notes etc.

Silent Way v1.7.1 released

Silent Way v1.7.1 is released. This version fixes the behaviour of the Silent Way Sync plug-in when the host’s transport is in cycle mode.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.7.0 released - new Sync plug-in

Silent Way v1.7.0 is released. This version contains the following changes:
* A new plug-in, Silent Way Sync, is added to the suite. This takes the DIN sync generator from the ES-4 Controller plug-in and expands on it to become a general purpose clock/trigger/sync plug-in.
* Fixes various issues with parameter automation and GUI updates.
* Fixes the ES-4 Controller plug-in’s response to MIDI channels (previously it would respond to mes- sages on any and all MIDI channels) and adds a ‘Channelise’ capability to the MIDI Out section.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.6.14 released

Silent Way v1.6.14 is released. This version contains the following changes:
* Added a Trigger Length control to Silent Way Voice Controller and Silent Way Trigger.
* Fixed a bug in the behaviour of Newest note priority mode in Silent Way Voice Controller.
* Added Trigger Length controls to Silent Way ES-4 Controller, allowing the 40 independent gate outputs to operate as triggers instead.

Download now from the downloads page. Note that there is an updated version of the user manual for this release.

ES-4 Controller v1.6.12 released

A new version of the Silent Way ES-4 Controller software is now available from the downloads page.

In this version DINsync and MIDI clock generation has been largely rewritten, offering much improved behaviour. Also, an offset control has been added to each, to allow the timing to be brought forward or pushed back by a small amount, to compensate for any timing delays in the hardware being synced.

Silent Way v1.6.11 released - Lion compatible

Silent Way v1.6.11 is released. New in this release:
• The AU Generator variants of the Silent Way DC, Silent Way CV Input, Silent Way LFO and Silent Way Step LFO plug-ins have been replaced by AU Instrument variants, so as to be compatible with AU validation under OS X Lion.
• Added a ‘Reset By Note’ option to Silent Way LFO, allowing the LFO to be reset by incoming MIDI note-on messages.
• Added visual feedback of the LFO’s position in its cycle to Silent Way LFO.
• Added a ‘Create ES-4 Calibration’ button to Silent Way Quantizer, removing the need to load a suitable calibration file when using the Quantizer with the ES-4 module.
• Made a slight adjustment to the ES-4 Controller’s input processing to match that in the Silent Way Voice Controller and Silent Way Quantizer.

Download now from the downloads page. Note that there is an updated version of the user manual for this release.

Silent Way v1.6.10 released

Silent Way v1.6.10 is released. This version adds two new features to the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in:
- ‘ES-4 mode’, allowing direct use with the Expert Sleepers ES-4 module without routing through the ES-4 Controller plug-in.
- a transpose setting.

Download now from the downloads page. Note that there is an updated version of the user manual for this release.

ES-4 Controller v1.6.9 released

A new version of the Silent Way ES-4 Controller software is now available from the downloads page.

This adds the ability to route audio or CVs through the plug-in to the ES-4, allowing integration with the rest of the Silent Way suite. It is also now possible to ‘stack’ multiple ES-4 Controllers, allowing for e.g. multiple streams of output MIDI.

ES-4 now available

The ES-4 SPDIF/CV Interface module is now available. The first units are in stock at, and are taking pre-orders. Other dealers will have stock soon - in particular Analogue Haven will have them around September 8.

The first release of the Silent Way ES-4 Controller plug-in is also now available from the downloads page.

Expert Sleepers ES-4Expert Sleepers ES-4Expert Sleepers ES-4 Gate ExpanderExpert Sleepers ES-4 Gate Expander

Mac OS X Lion compatibility

Here’s a quick update on compatibility of Expert Sleepers plug-ins with the recently released Mac OS X 10.7 ‘Lion’.

So far, we have only one reported problem, which is that the AudioUnit validation tool in Lion is objecting to the few Silent Way plug-ins classed as ‘AU Generators’, resulting in Logic objecting to loading them. The plug-ins themselves work fine - it’s just a detail of the validation process that is tripping things up, which is arguably a bug, and we’ve reported it to Apple as such.

So if you use Silent Way and Logic, there seems to be reason to hold off upgrading to Lion. If you use our other plug-ins, or other DAWs, there are no known problems as of now.

Silent Way & ES modules reviewed in Synthesizer Magazin

Silent Way and the Expert Sleepers modules (ES-1, ES-2 & ES-3) are the subject of a lengthy review in the current edition of Synthesizer Magazin.

Silent Way/ES-3 video by vcoadsr

Silent Way & ES-3 reviewed by Sonic State

Silent Way and the ES-3 module were reviewed by Sonic State - read the full review and watch the video here.
“I rarely get to review stuff which I feel is almost flawless, but I think this is one of those occasions”

Silent Way live videos

Paul Chambers pointed out that he’s using Silent Way to control the analogue gear in these videos.

Silent Way v1.6.7 released

Silent Way v1.6.7 is released. This version adds an ‘output configuration’ option to the VST versions of the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in (Mac OS X and Windows), allowing the plug-in’s outputs to be presented to the host as either a 6-channel bus, three stereo busses or six mono busses.

Download now from the downloads page. Note that there is an updated version of the user manual for this release.

Silent Way reviewed in Future Music magazine

Silent Way and the ES-3 module got a great review in Future Music Magazine, Issue 239 (May 2011).

“Incredible options for controlling modular synths”
“Silent Way is a no-brainer”
“Silent Way opens up sound design options that'd be expensive, difficult or impossible any other way. It's a fantastic new approach to controlling analogue Control Voltage hardware.”
“... one of the most friendly plug-and-play pieces of hardware you'll ever have the pleasure to use.”

Expert Sleepers on the Sonic State podcast

The Sonic State podcast episode 214 says some very nice things about Silent Way, the ES-3 module, and Expert Sleepers in general. Check it out here - skip about 30 minutes in for where they start talking about Expert Sleepers stuff.

Silent Way v1.6.6 released - CV Input fix

Silent Way v1.6.6 is released. This version fixes a major problem in the Windows VST version of the Silent Way CV Input plug-in, preventing proper operation with the ES-2 module.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way reviewed in Tape Op magazine

Silent Way has received a very positive review in Tape Op magazine, issue #81.

“... the potential world of sound that Silent Way opens up is amazing.”
“The toolkit Silent Way offers is vast”

Read the full review here.

Audio processing with the ES-3

Modular audio processing with Expert Sleepers Silent Way and ES-3 on Vimeo.

A real-time demo of processing audio samples using Expert Sleepers Silent Way and a modular synth, connected via the Expert Sleepers ES-3 Lightpipe/CV interface.

A drum loop is processed first with a phase shifter controlled by Silent Way LFO, and then with a VCF controlled by Silent Way Step LFO.

Silent Way/ES-3/modular demo video

Modular patching with Expert Sleepers Silent Way and ES-3 on Vimeo.

A real-time demo of using Expert Sleepers Silent Way and a modular synth, connected via the Expert Sleepers ES-3 Lightpipe/CV interface.

First the oscillator is connected and calibrated using the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in. Then a simple patch is made using a VCA and an envelope generator, triggered by a gate signal from Silent Way.

Other modulation options are then explored, using another envelope from the Voice Controller, the Silent Way Step LFO plug-in, and the Silent Way LFO plug-in.

Silent Way v1.6.5 released - new SMUX plug-in

Silent Way v1.6.5 is released.

This release adds a new plug-in: Silent Way SMUX.

Silent Way SMUX provides a hack to workaround the reduction in channel count over ADAT connections when running the audio system at 88.1/96kHz.

When using an audio interface to produce your CVs that is connected via ADAT (for example, the Expert Sleepers ES-3 Lightpipe/CV Interface), and when the audio system is being run at a ‘double speed’ rate (typically 96kHz), the number of audio channels that can be sent down the ADAT connection is reduced from the usual 8 down to 4. The 4 double-speed channels are multiplexed onto the 8 ADAT channels - this system is usually referred to as ‘S/MUX’, or sample multiplexing.

The Silent Way SMUX plug-in gets around this reduction in channel count by providing a complementary multiplexing scheme, which takes 4 channels of CVs and combines them onto 2 channels of the double-speed audio stream. When the ADAT output is then decoded by a normal-speed interface (such as the ES-3 mentioned above), the channels are demultiplexed, and so you get your 4 channels of CV back again.

Download now from the downloads page.

Darkroom - Ahead Finitely

A reminder of why I started writing Silent Way in the first place - so I could use it to make music.

Here are some videos that my band Darkroom recently produced. You can see and hear Silent Way in action fairly prominently.


Ahead Finitely from Andrew Ostler on Vimeo.

The Making of 'Ahead Finitely' from Andrew Ostler on Vimeo.

ES-2-2 and CV To MIDI video

CV To MIDI with the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 from Andrew Ostler on Vimeo.

Silent Way v1.6.4 released

Silent Way v1.6.4 is released.

This release adds support for the Expert Sleepers ES-2-2 module to the Silent Way CV Input plug-in.

Also added is a 6 channel variant of the Silent Way AC Encoder VST plug-in, for convenience of use in Cubase where a 6 channel bus is being used for the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in.

Download now from the downloads page.

More Silent Way user videos

YouTube user noisythang has posted three videos showing Silent Way and the ES-1 module controlling various Moogerfooger pedals, and the Metasonix R-54 module.

Silent Way v1.6.3 released

Silent Way v1.6.3 is released. Only the Windows VST versions are updated.

This update fixes a problem some users were encountering where only one plug-in’s UI would work when multiple plug-ins were opened at the same time.

Download now from the downloads page.

All-EMS VCS3 track using Silent Way

Scot Solida posted this track, made entirely with Silent Way controlling an EMS VCS3:

EMS VCS 3 tune

Silent Way is a freakin' miracle. Thanks to Expert Sleepers, even something as cantankerous as my old EMS VCS3 can be called into duty for something more than simulating cosmic flatulence.

Eight tracks of nuthin' but VCS3 (and a delay), recorded in Logic, using the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in to keep the old feller in tune. Sure, there are some cosmic flatulence patches, but they give way to Berlin-school sequencery and an utterly masturbatory lead (forgive the indulgence. It's not every day that I can play the thing in perfect tune for this long without the oscillators getting into an argument with one another!)

It's an improv exercise, but if you like old Mark Shreeve or Wavestar, you might find it entertaining. I am just blown away by the fact that Silent Way can tame the old thing.

Silent Way gets a high profile user

What can I say but... w00t.

New Silent Way tutorial for Digital Performer

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Digital Performer.

New Silent Way tutorial for Logic Pro

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Logic Pro.

Silent Way v1.6.2 released

Silent Way v1.6.2 is released. This update adds multipliers the Silent Way Voice Controller’s envelopes, allowing for very long or very short envelope times.

Download now from the downloads page.

New Silent Way tutorial for Ableton Live

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Ableton Live.

New Silent Way tutorial for Cubase

The Silent Way tutorials page has been updated with a new video explaining setup in Cubase.

Silent Way v1.6.1 released

Silent Way v1.6.1 is released. This update increases the maximum range of the Silent Way Voice Controller’s pitch bend function.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way gets 10/10 in Computer Music

Slightly old news, but it turns out Silent Way was reviewed in issue 147 (January 2010) of Computer Music.

It got a score of 10/10.

Some extracts:

“It works beautifully. We tried it with a Minimoog, modular, Odyssey, Roland SH-101 and even the notoriously cantankerous EMS VCS3. Silent Way was able to get each one to play nicely for at least three octaves.”
“For us, Silent Way is a no-brainer. It’s considerably cheaper than the competition and Expert Sleepers are constantly updating it. It’s a truly brilliant solution to an age old problem and one that might make you reevaluate the practicalities of owning a vintage synth.”

Silent Way v1.6.0 released

Silent Way v1.6.0 is released.

Changes in this release:
- Added support for musical scales to Silent Way Quantizer.
- Changed all the plug-in names (that appear in host UIs) from “Silent Way ...” to “SW ...”, so that more of the actual name is visible when space is limited.
- Fixed a GUI issue in Reaper on Windows.

Download now from the downloads page.

Video: CV Generator iPhone app and EMS Synthi

This video just posted by ‘waveshaper’ shows the Expert Sleepers CV Generator iPhone app controlling an EMS Synthi.

Expert Sleepers ES-1 module announced

Expert Sleepers ES-1 interface module

We’re proud to announce details of the first Expert Sleepers hardware product - the ES-1 Audio/CV Interface.

The Expert Sleepers ES-1 Audio/CV Interface is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It connects to an audio interface using standard 1/4" jack (balanced or unbalanced) or DB25 (aka DSub) connectors, and outputs CVs to your analogue synths/effects on standard 3.5mm jacks. When used with the Silent Way AC Encoder software, there is no requirement for the audio interface to be DC-coupled.

The ES-1 offers the following advantages over directly connecting an audio interface to analogue gear for CV control:

* No requirement for the interface to be DC-coupled.
* No need for special cables (e.g. TRS to TS 'floating ring' cables).
* No danger of damage to the interface - the ES-1's inputs are completely standard balanced audio inputs.
* Much greater output voltage range - up to 9x more than directly connecting a DC-coupled interface via a 'floating ring' cable.

For more details, please see the ES-1 page.

Silent Way hardware update

The previously mentioned Silent Way hardware is progressing well. Here are a couple of photos - you can see more on the Flickr set.

Read more on the forum here.

Expert Sleepers ES-1 interface module Expert Sleepers ES-1 interface module

Tiptop Z8000 as oscillator

This video by wetterberg shows Silent Way controlling a Tiptop Audio Z8000 Matrix Sequencer and using it as an oscillator.

This is a pretty unconventional usage but it proves the point that as long as the Silent Way Voice Controller can send out a CV and get a waveform back, it can calibrate it, and doesn’t really care how that waveform was generated or controlled by the CV.

More details are here.

Video from Silent Way user: SH-101, Dark Energy

phono1337’ has posted a video on YouTube showing his Silent Way setup. Other gear in the video includes:
- Roland SH-101
- Dopefer A-111-5 (Dark Energy)
- Dopefer A-137-2 Wave multiplier II
- Roland MC-202

The first Expert Sleepers iPhone app

We’re happy to report that the first ever Expert Sleepers iPhone app has been submitted to the App Store, and is awaiting approval.

The app is part of the Silent Way family, and is called the CV Generator. Read all about it here.

Silent Way AC Encoder active circuit prototype

Please see this forum thread for news of a prototype active circuit for use with Silent Way AC Encoder.

Silent Way v1.5.5 released

Silent Way v1.5.5 is released. This update extends the range of the Silent Way LFO’s Beat Divisor parameter down to 1/128th notes. This addresses a problem with setting up the VST versions of the plug-in to output DIN Sync.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way reviewed in Sound On Sound

Silent Way has received a glowing review from Sound On Sound magazine, in the May 2010 issue.

“If you dream of controlling your analogue synths from within your DAW software, it may be that your audio interface will let you do just that — with a little help from this plug-in suite.”
“My time with Silent Way was quite a liberating experience.”
“Voice Controller is the star of the show for me. Slick and self-contained, this has the effect of pulling a much-loved analogue synth into the heart of your DAW, with a level of control that is usually the reserve of a virtual instrument.”
“Silent Way is a genuine alternative to a MIDI-to-CV interface, and capable of a greater level of sophistication.”

You can read the full review here.

Silent Way v1.5.4 released

Silent Way v1.5.4 is released. This update fixes a bug in the Silent Way Quantizer plug-in that could cause the quantized note name to be displayed incorrectly when in ‘Calibrated’ mode.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way CV Input and CV To OSC video

Flamed Raw: Modular Synth Controlling KYMA from bar|none on Vimeo.

Silent Way AC Encoder video

Silent Way AC Encoder breakout box

I’ve made a small interfacing module for use with Silent Way AC Encoder, to show how good it can look and how simple it can be to build.

Custom acrylic panel by ProModular. More photos on Flickr here.

Silent Way AC Encoder breakout box
Silent Way AC Encoder breakout box, rear detail

Silent Way v1.5.3 released

Silent Way v1.5.3 is released. This update adds a VSTi configuration of the Mac OS X and Windows VST versions of the Silent Way Voice Controller plug-in, so the plug-in can now be used either as an instrument or as an effect.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.5.2 released - adds AC Encoder plug-in

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.5.2, which adds an important new plug-in to the suite - Silent Way AC Encoder.

Silent Way AC Encoder removes the need for a DC coupled audio interface and lets you use Silent Way with almost any audio interface. The two requirements are

* your interface must have balanced outputs (almost all do).
* you need to make some special cables.

The cables are a very simple job, well within the scope of anyone with basic soldering skills.

Please see this page for more details.

Download now from the downloads page.

Microtonal tuning scripts updated

The microtonal tuning scripts for use with Silent Way Voice Controller have been updated to support Python 2.5 (the version that ships pre-installed with Mac OS X 10.5) as well as 2.6.

Video/tutorial: Silent Way and Numerology

The wonderful Five12 have posted a tutorial on using Silent Way in their application Numerology.

The tutorial is here. An excerpt follows:

This video shows how to use Expert Sleeper's Silent Way Voice Controller with Numerology. The Silent Way group of plugins allows you to use a "DC capable" audio interface as a CV control source for analog synthesizers. There are a number of advantages to this approach:

  • Easy, reliable oscillator calibration for better tuning overall.

  • When generating CV values for automation, you are no longer limited to the 127 steps of MIDI CC messages. This allows you to generate very smooth and accurate control values.

  • You do not have to worry about "saturating" a hardware MIDI interface by sending it too many messages at once.

As of version 2.2, Numerology provides integrated support for Silent Way by including direct hardware audio input and output routing in the module. This makes setup very quick, as you don't have to create separate I/O channels to route audio around, as you do in some other hosts.

Using Numerology with Silent Way VC from Five12 on Vimeo.

Video shows Silent Way with MOTM/homebrew synth

Adam Schabtach (of plug-in developers Audio Damage) has posted a great video showing Silent Way in use with his modular synth. Synth modules in the video are an MOTM-300 VCO, an MOTM-440 four-pole LPF (both by Synthesis Technology), a CGS Wave Multiplier, and a custom-built VCA.

Also of interest in this video is the audio interface, which is a Frontier Design Tango modified by Adam himself for DC-coupled operation. He’s documented the mod here.

Scripts for microtonal tuning with Silent Way

One of the new features of Silent Way v1.5.1 is the ability to load and save calibration data from the Voice Controller. By processing this data, it is easy to retune the Voice Controller to generate arbitrary scales instead of the standard equal tempered scale.

We’ve written some scripts to do this. More details here.

Silent Way v1.5.1 released - adds Quantizer and CV To MIDI plug-ins

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.5.1, which adds two new plug-ins to the suite - Silent Way Quantizer and Silent Way CV To MIDI.

Silent Way Quantizer is a CV processing plug-in that constrains the incoming (continuous) CVs to a number of discrete values. For example, it can constrain a pitch CV to exact semitone values. This is especially useful when combined with the Step LFO plug-in in order to accurately sequence musical notes, but it can also be used with e.g. the regular LFO plug-in, or with the Voice Controller plug-in to turn portamentos into discrete glissandos.
The Quantizer plug-in is capable of loading the calibration data from the Voice Controller plug-in, in order to output accurately calibrated pitches.

Silent Way CV To MIDI translates CV signals (such as those produced by Silent Way CV Input, for example) into MIDI messages. These can in turn be used to control all sorts of software and hardware devices. Used in conjunction with, say, Silent Way LFO, the CV To MIDI plug-in provides a standalone means of generating MIDI LFOs, giving Silent Way an application to musicians who have no analogue gear at all.

Other changes in v1.5.1:
* Added ‘Random Tuning’ feature to Silent Way Voice Controller.
* Added ability to save and load calibration data to Silent Way Voice Controller.

Download now from the downloads page.

Analogue Bundle available

In addition to the previously mentioned bundles, the ‘Analogue Bundle’ is now available from the store.

The Analogue Bundle combines the analogue synth controller Silent Way with two analogue-sounding delays, Augustus Loop and Little Spacey.

The bundle is priced at $90, saving $37 on the price of the plug-ins bought separately.

A summary of all the currently available bundles and pricing is here.

Silent Way sample Live sets updated

The sample Ableton Live sets on the Silent Way Tutorials page were woefully out of date. They have been updated.

Silent Way v1.5.0 released - adds Step LFO plug-in

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.5.0, which adds a new plug-in to the suite - Silent Way Step LFO.

Silent Way Step LFO is a combination step sequencer and LFO generator. It shares many of the features of the LFO plug-in, but rather than generating waveforms based on simple sine, triangle etc. waves it generates a waveform that the user draws in the GUI. When the waveform is interpreted as a series of discrete values, rather than as a continuous wave- form, then the output is that of a traditional analogue step sequencer.

Other changes in v1.5.0:
* The Smooth control on all plug-ins is now calibrated in milliseconds, and has a much larger range.
* All Mac OS X versions now require Mac OS X 10.4.11 or higher.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way mentions on other sites

Silent Way has received mentions on some other blogs recently:

* OSCulator blog - In A Silent Way
* Navs Modular Lab - three posts, here

Thanks to Camille and Navs.
PotD - Analog Heart, Digital Mind by navs

More Silent Way demo videos - CV Input and CV To OSC

Some new videos of Silent Way CV Input and Silent Way CV To OSC, now with the final released versions (the previous videos used early prototypes).

The final one is particularly fun - driving software on an iPhone from a modular synth CV.

Silent Way v1.4.4 released - adds CV To OSC plug-in

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.4.4, which adds a new plug-in to the suite - Silent Way CV To OSC.

Silent Way CV To OSC translates CV signals (such as those produced by Silent Way CV Input, for example) into OSC messages. These can in turn be used to control all sorts of software and hardware devices. See the Expert Sleepers YouTube channel for some ideas.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.4.3 released - adds CV Input plug-in

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.4.3, which adds a new plug-in to the suite - Silent Way CV Input.

Silent Way CV Input is something of a breakthrough in audio interface-based computer/CV interaction, since it lets you get your CVs back into the computer (most other CV-generation software focusses entirely on generating CVs). Moreover this plug-in has no special requirements on the audio interface, and so is not just usable by those with DC-coupled interfaces.

This release also fixes an issue with the AU Generator versions of Silent Way DC & LFO (added in v1.4.1) when loaded as mono plug-ins.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way (Mac OS X VST) v1.4.2 released

The Mac OS X VST versions of the Silent Way plug-ins have been updated to v1.4.2.

This update addresses an issue where the GUIs would appear in slightly the wrong place in Cubase.

Download now from the downloads page.

Forthcoming Silent Way features - CV input & OSC

A couple of videos of what's cooking in the Expert Sleepers lab for future release:

Silent Way DC & LFO v1.4.1 released - adds AU Generators for Logic

The Audio Unit versions of the two Silent Way plug-ins Silent Way DC and Silent Way LFO have been updated to v1.4.1.

The new versions add an 'AU Generator' variant to each plug-in, which can be used in Logic on software instrument tracks at the start of the signal chain.

Download now from the downloads page.

Further Silent Way compatibility updates

More additions to the Silent Way device compatibility page, including the interesting news that the Behringer ADA8000 ADAT expander appears to work - adding a low-cost option for those with non-MOTU interfaces looking to get hooked up to their synths.

Edit: oops, false positive - the ADA8000 does not work after all. Sorry if you were getting excited.

Silent Way v1.4.0 released - adds Trigger plug-in, portamento, and swing

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.4.0.

Changes and additions in this release:
* Added Silent Way Trigger plug-in.
* Added smoothing option on all outputs of all plug-ins.
* Added ‘swing’ feature to Silent Way LFO.
* Added portamento feature to the Voice Controller.
* Fixed a bug that would very occasionally cause the GUIs to be corrupted.

Silent Way Trigger is a simple plug-in for generating a gate or envelope in response to an incoming MIDI note. A typical application would be for triggering drum sounds, where you might have a number of different sounds mapped to different notes.

Download now from the downloads page.

More modules added to Silent Way compatibility page

Thanks to 'Navs' on the forum for testing a number of modules with Silent Way. Read the list here.

Silent Way polyphonic setup demo videos

Some videos have been added to the tutorials page showing polyphonic setup in Live 8, Logic 9 and DP 6.

Silent Way v1.3.0 released - adds polyphonic mode

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.3.0.

The major new feature in this release is a polyphonic mode for the Voice Controller. Other changes:
* Added a per-envelope Reset To Zero control, which controls whether the envelopes always start from zero when triggered, or whether they start from their current value (which is the common behaviour in hardware envelope generators).
* Updated all plug-ins for the font changes in OS X 10.6 (see below).

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way v1.2.0 released - adds LFO plug-in

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.2.0.

This release adds a new plug-in to the Silent Way suite - Silent Way LFO. As you might guess from the name, this plug-in is a low frequency oscillator device. It offers a variety of waveforms, tempo sync, and can be combined with the control outputs (e.g. envelopes, velocity) of the Voice Controller plug-in to achieve effects such as vibrato that fades in during each note.

Download now from the downloads page.

Silent Way LFO plug-in coming soon

I've long promised that more Silent Way plug-ins would eventually join the initial two (Voice Controller and DC). So this is to let you all know that a third plug-in will soon be released, and it's going to be an LFO/trigger/clock generator.

There's a thread on the muffwiggler forum here where I've asked for some input on what features people would like this thing to have. So if you have any thoughts, please hop over there and leave your two penn'orth.

Silent Way working with Yamaha CS-30 (Hz/V)

Another video from Captain Proton, this time showing Silent Way controlling a Yamaha CS-30 synth. This is using the new Hz/V calibration mode added in v1.1.0.

Silent Way Digital Performer tutorial video added

See the tutorials page.

Silent Way v1.1.0 released

We're happy to announce the release of Silent Way v1.1.0 (all platforms & formats).

This is primarily an update to the Voice Controller plug-in, though the DC plug-in also benefits from the OSC enhancements.

The full list of changes in this version is as follows:

• The Voice Controller AU now has an effect variant so it will work in Digital Performer.
• Added new OSC commands (registerOSCPathForParameter() and registerOSCPathForParameterNormalized()) added, primarily for compatibility with TouchOSC.
• Output configuration changed from a set of drop-down menus to a full matrix of knobs.
• Envelope scale parameters removed, since the same functionality is now offered by the output matrix.
• Added new 'velocity' output.
• Added velocity-based scaling of envelopes.
• Added Hz/V calibration mode.
• Areas of the full MIDI note range note covered during calibration are now filled with ‘wrapped around’ values from octaves that are covered.
• Added note priority modes (last/low/high) and retrigger modes (on/off).
• Added ‘panic’ button.
• Fixed some incorrect envelope triggering behaviours.
• The ‘trigger’ output is now slightly longer than before (it was previously a single audio sample).

NB the reworking of the output configuration unfortunately means that v1.1.0 of the Voice Controller is not preset-compatible with earlier versions. If you install this version and then load up a song that already uses the Voice Controller, some of the settings (notably the envelopes) will be wrong. This is something we usually go to great lengths to avoid in Expert Sleepers plug-ins, but we felt it was acceptable in this case as most workflows will involve using Silent Way to control a synth which is then recorded as audio before moving on - so to some extent storing presets is irrelevant, since you can't store the state of the synth along with it.

Get the update from the downloads page.

Silent Way and TouchOSC

A demo of the enhanced OSC implementation in the forthcoming new version of Silent Way, here integrating with TouchOSC:

This functionality will make it into the OSC implementations of other Expert Sleepers plug-ins in due course.

Silent Way v1.1 progress report

As those who've been following me on Twitter (@expertsleepers) will know, I've been making some progress on the Silent Way v1.1 update. This update is currently entirely focussed on the Voice Controller.

Changes so far:
* AU version has an effect variant so it will work in Digital Performer.
* New OSC command added for compatibility with TouchOSC.
* New 'velocity' output.
* Velocity-based scaling of envelopes.
* Hz/V tuning mode.
* Note priority modes (last/low/high).

I have some more stuff to add in, then this will probably be released in the next week or so.

After that, I really must add an LFO plug-in.

New video shows Silent Way, Cubase, Pro-One, ARP Odyssey

Thanks to Captain Proton for this one.

Expert Sleepers Running Sequential Pro-1 and Arp Odyssey in Cubase 5

Silent Way working with Alesis IO/26 and SH-101

Brandon Daniel has posted a video of Silent Way working with his Alesis IO/26 interface and his Roland SH-101 synth.

Special offers reminder

Just a reminder that we have two special offers still running:

* Silent Way testers' bounty
* Little Spacey for $5

Silent Way Cubase tutorial added

See the tutorials page.

Silent Way VST updated to v1.0.2

The VST versions (Mac and Windows) of Silent Way have been updated to v1.0.2.

These are identical except now the Voice Controller plug-in is no longer a VSTi. This makes it possible to use in Cubase, since Cubase has problems routing audio to virtual instruments.

NB if you were successfully using v1.0.1 (e.g. in Live) you may find you need to slightly reconfigure your song files to take account of this change. We apologise for the inconvenience.

The AU version is unchanged, and remains a virtual instrument.

A new tutorial showing how to set up the Voice Controller VST from scratch in Live has been added to the tutorials page.

Silent Way compatibility chart updated

The Silent Way compatibility chart has been expanded with some classic old synths including the Minimoog Model-D and EMS VCS3, courtesy of Scot Solida.

Update: also added TipTop Z3000, Plan B Model 15 and Doepfer A-111, courtesy of KVR user deastman.

Update 2: added Sequential Circuits Pro-One, courtesy of KVR user WMP.

Example Live sets added to the Silent Way tutorials page

See the tutorials page.

Silent Way now available in VST (Mac/Windows) format

No changes since the v1.0.1 version - just now available for Windows and Mac OS X VST.

Silent Way works with Doepfer A-110

justin3am has posted another video showing Silent Way working with a Doepfer A-110 VCO.

Silent Way is running from within Ableton Live to control the pitch of my Doepfer A-110 oscillator and trigger my Doepfer A-140 ADSR via a Motu 828. The pattern at the end is generated by Numerology.

Silent Way works with Livewire AFG and MOTU 828

justin3am has posted a video showing Silent Way working with his Livewire AFG oscillator and MOTU 828 (original version) interface.

Silent Way is running from within Ableton Live to control the pitch of my Livewire AFG oscillator and trigger my Doepfer A-140 ADSR via a Motu 828. The pattern at the end is generated by Numerology.

Silent Way v1.0.1 released

Silent Way v1.0.1 contains an update to the Voice Controller plug-in allowing it to be used in Logic Pro.

Bounty offered for Silent Way testers

Since there are far more audio interfaces and synth modules in the world than any one person or even company is ever likely to own, it seems unlikely that Expert Sleepers will personally be able to test every combination.

Therefore we're offering a bounty for people who buy and use Silent Way with their setup and document the results. To qualify, you need to do the following:
* buy Silent Way (you don't qualify if you use the demo version to do the below).
* send us the details of your system (computer, host application, audio interface, synth modules).
* put up a video on YouTube demonstrating that Silent Way works with your stuff.

The offer is:
* a coupon for $25, good for one purchase from the Expert Sleepers store, if you do the above, or
* a coupon for $50, good for one purchase from the Expert Sleepers store, if you do the above and you're the first to document the successful use of Silent Way with a particular audio interface or synth module.

This offer will run for a limited time only, so get testing!

Silent Way v1.0.0 released - new modular synth controller plug-ins

We're proud to announce the release of Silent Way, a suite of plug-ins designed for use as part of a modular analogue synthesiser system. The plug-ins produce no sound themselves, nor do they process sound - rather, they generate signals to be used as control voltages (CVs), which can be patched into the control inputs of oscillators, filters, VCAs etc. of an analogue system.

There are currently two plug-ins in the Silent Way suite - Silent Way DC and Silent Way Voice Controller. These are described in more detail below. It is anticipated that more plug-ins will be added to the suite in the future - watch the website for product announcements.

All plug-ins also feature
* full MIDI and OSC control.
* MIDI/OSC scriptability.
* sample-accurate handling of MIDI note messages.

Silent Way DC
Silent Way DC is a simple plug-in that generates constant output signals. It is intended to be used in conjunction with parameter automation (via MIDI or directly by the host application) to generate varying signals. For example, you could use it as an LFO where you draw out the LFO waveform in your host’s parameter automation GUI.

Silent Way Voice Controller
Silent Way Voice Controller is a virtual instrument plug-in designed to directly control an analogue synthesiser by generating the appropriate CV and gate signals via an appropriate audio interface.

By listening to the synthesiser’s output signal, the plug-in is able to calibrate itself to generate the appropriate pitch CV for the incoming MIDI notes.

As well as the basic pitch and gate signals, the plug-in can generate three multi-stage envelope CVs which you can feed to VCAs, VCFs etc. in your synth.

Pricing and availability
Silent Way is available immediately in Mac OS X Audio Unit format, priced at $49. Mac and Windows VST formats to follow.

Read more here; download the demo here.

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