Module Overview page added
Expert Sleepers modules coming soon to Australia
ES-2-2 back in stock / new stock at SchneidersBuero

Silent Way & ES modules reviewed in Synthesizer Magazin

Silent Way reviewed in Future Music magazine
“Incredible options for controlling modular synths”
“Silent Way is a no-brainer”
“Silent Way opens up sound design options that'd be expensive, difficult or impossible any other way. It's a fantastic new approach to controlling analogue Control Voltage hardware.”
“... one of the most friendly plug-and-play pieces of hardware you'll ever have the pleasure to use.”
Expert Sleepers on the Sonic State podcast
Video and photos from the Musikmesse did a very nice video interview with me, in which I explain the ES-3, Silent Way, and show the ES-2-2 in action, which is not something you often see - if you’re still unclear on what this module does, this video should help. You can watch it here.
This is a little video tour of the Schneidersbuero booth, starting from the Expert Sleepers area:
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And here are a few photos:
Silent Way v1.6.6 released - CV Input fix
Download now from the downloads page.
Escape From Noise to sell Expert Sleepers modules
ES-2-2 now in stock at Analogue Haven
Expert Sleepers modules now in stock at
ES-2-2 and CV To MIDI video
ES-2-2 module now available
For more detailed information, please see the ES-2 page.The Expert Sleepers ES-2 CV/Audio Interface is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It takes as inputs CVs from your analogue synths/effects on 3.5mm jacks, and outputs audio signals on 1/4" jacks which you connect to your computer audio interface. You then use the Silent Way CV Input plug-in to interpret the audio signal and output CVs in your DAW for recording, processing etc.
New module coming soon - the ES-2
The ES-2 is a Eurorack module designed for use with software such as Expert Sleepers Silent Way. It takes as inputs CVs from your analogue synths/effects on 3.5mm jacks, and outputs audio signals on 1/4" jacks which you connect to your computer audio interface. You then use the Silent Way CV Input plug-in to interpret the audio signal and output CVs in your DAW for recording, processing etc.